“A stereo six-band motion picture capturing using 4K digital cinema camera” by Tsuchida, Sakai, Ito, Mukai, Kashino, et al. …

  • ©Masaru Tsuchida, Shuji Sakai, Koichi Ito, Ryo Mukai, Kunio Kashino, Junji Yamato, and Takafumi Aoki

  • ©Masaru Tsuchida, Shuji Sakai, Koichi Ito, Ryo Mukai, Kunio Kashino, Junji Yamato, and Takafumi Aoki

  • ©Masaru Tsuchida, Shuji Sakai, Koichi Ito, Ryo Mukai, Kunio Kashino, Junji Yamato, and Takafumi Aoki



Entry Number: 11


    A stereo six-band motion picture capturing using 4K digital cinema camera



    In digital archiving for cultural heritage preservation, in the medical field, and in some industrial fields, the high-fidelity reproduction of color, gloss, texture, three-dimensional (3-D) shape, and movement is very important. Multi-spectrum imaging can provide accurate color reproduction. Although several types of multi-spectral camera systems have been developed, all of them, except for the six-band HDTV camera system developed by Ohsawa et al [Ohsawa et al. 2004], are multi-shot and none can take still images of moving objects and moving pictures. However, Ohsawa et al.’s system requires very complex and expensive customized optics whose optical elements must be arranged precisely, which makes it far from practical. In order to make multi-spectrum video systems pervasive, the equipment costs must be reduced by ensuring they have as much compatibility with existing video camera systems as possible. To meet this requirement, several stereo one-shot six-band still image capturing systems that also combine multi-spectrum and stereo imaging techniques have been proposed [Tsuchida et al., 2010; Shrestha et al., 2011]. In this paper, we propose a system that applies their concept to existing 4K digital cinema cameras and show the possibility using the proposed system for cinematography.


    1. Ohsawa, K., et al., 2004. Six-band hdtv camera system for spectrum-based color reproduction. Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, 48, 2, 85–92.
    2. Tsuchida, M., et al., 2010. a stereo one-shot multi-band camera system for accurate color reproduction. In proceedings of Siggraph, Poster, ACM.
    3. Shrestha, R., et al., 2011. One-shot multispectral color imaging with a stereo camera. In proceedings of SPIE-IS&T Electronic Imaging, 7876, 797609-1–797609-11.
    4. Takita, K., et al., 2003. High-accuracy image registration based on phase-only correlation. IEICE Transaction of Fundamentals, Vol. E86-A, no.8, 1925–1934.
    5. Bookstein, F. L., 1989. Principal Warps: Thin-Plate Splines and the Decomposition of Deformations. IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 11, No. 16, 567–585.
    6. Pratt, W. K., et al., 1976. Spectral estimation techniques for the spectral calibration of a color image scanner. Applied Optics, Vol.15. 73–75.
    7. Hashimoto, M., 2008. Two-Shot type 6-band still image capturing system using Commercial Digital Camera and Custom Color Filter. In proceedings of Fourth European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision (CGIV2008), 538–541.

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©Masaru Tsuchida, Shuji Sakai, Koichi Ito, Ryo Mukai, Kunio Kashino, Junji Yamato, and Takafumi Aoki


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