“Adaptive Manga Re-Layout On Mobile Device” by Tsai, Yao, Chiang, Lai, Chi, et al. …

  • ©Chia-Jung Tsai, Chih-Yuan Yao, Pei-ying Chiang, Yu-Chi Lai, Ming-Te Chi, Hung-Kuo Chu, Yu-Shiang Wong, and Yu-Shuen Wang

  • ©Chia-Jung Tsai, Chih-Yuan Yao, Pei-ying Chiang, Yu-Chi Lai, Ming-Te Chi, Hung-Kuo Chu, Yu-Shiang Wong, and Yu-Shuen Wang



Entry Number: 13


    Adaptive Manga Re-Layout On Mobile Device



    In the present day, smart phones and tablets are popular electronic devices for business, entertainment or study due to their convenience, portability and intuitive user interfaces. However, these advantages also induce one of their limitations: the limited available screen size. It is not comfortable to read articles, mangas, magazines,…etc, under such a small screen. Figure 1 shows the overview of our system. Before our work re-layouts a manga, the system must first extract all panels in the manga through our designed corner matching algorithm, sort the extracted panels into a queue, i.e a play list, based on the generally accepted manga reading rules and transform panels in the list to display under arbitrary accessing conditions.


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    2. Li, L., Wang, Y., Tang, Z., and Liu, D. 2013. Comic image understanding based on polygon detection. Proc. SPIE 8658, Document Recognition and Retrieval XX 8658 (Feb.), 86580B–86580B–11.
    3. Yamada, M., Budiarto, R., and Endo, M. 2004. Comic image decomposition for reading comics on cellular phones. IEICE Transaction on Information and Systems, xx, 1–8.


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