“A spatial-temporal method to refine a depth image” by Jang, Park, Lee, Jeong, Lim, et al. …

  • ©In Yeop Jang, Min Ki Park, Seung Joo Lee, Sun Jong Jeong, Kyu Je Lim, Yong Hwi Kim, and Kwan H. Lee

  • ©In Yeop Jang, Min Ki Park, Seung Joo Lee, Sun Jong Jeong, Kyu Je Lim, Yong Hwi Kim, and Kwan H. Lee

  • ©In Yeop Jang, Min Ki Park, Seung Joo Lee, Sun Jong Jeong, Kyu Je Lim, Yong Hwi Kim, and Kwan H. Lee



Entry Number: 10


    A spatial-temporal method to refine a depth image



    In this poster, a spatial-temporal depth image refinement is proposed. First, we perform a spatial denoising by applying Joint Bilateral Filter(JBF) to an image pyramid iteratively. Second, we employ a signed distance function(SDF) [Curless 1996] to obtain an optimal depth image from the depth video in which the temporal noise occurs between video frames.


    1. Curless, V., Levoy M. 1996. A volumetric method for building complex models from range images. In Proceedings of of the 23rd annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques, 303–312.


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©In Yeop Jang, Min Ki Park, Seung Joo Lee, Sun Jong Jeong, Kyu Je Lim, Yong Hwi Kim, and Kwan H. Lee ©In Yeop Jang, Min Ki Park, Seung Joo Lee, Sun Jong Jeong, Kyu Je Lim, Yong Hwi Kim, and Kwan H. Lee


    This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) grant funded by the Korea government( MEST) (No.2013031191).


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