“Adjusting the Disparity of Stereoscopic 3D Media in Post Production” by Northam, Asente, Istead and Kaplan

  • ©Lesley Northam, Paul Asente, Joe Istead, and Craig S. Kaplan

  • ©Lesley Northam, Paul Asente, Joe Istead, and Craig S. Kaplan

  • ©Lesley Northam, Paul Asente, Joe Istead, and Craig S. Kaplan



Entry Number: 14


    Adjusting the Disparity of Stereoscopic 3D Media in Post Production



    Selecting the convergence point and interaxial distance before the production of stereoscopic 3D media presents several challenges. There are few tools for previsualizing or validating model calculations, so estimating these parameters to match an intended shot relies on costly experience, intuition and iteration. Poor selection of these parameters can also cause or amplify viewer discomfort [Mendiburu 2009]. Figure 1 illustrates the relationship between discomfort and disparity (input images by Scharstein and Pal [2007]).


    1. Mendiburu, B. 2009. 3D Movie Making: Stereoscopic Digital Cinema from Script to Screen. Focal Press.
    2. Northam, L., Asente, P., and Kaplan, C. S. 2013. Stereoscopic 3d image stylization. Computers and Graphics 37, 5, 389–402.
    3. Scharstein, D., and Pal, C. 2007. Learning conditional random fields for stereo. In Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2007. CVPR ’07. IEEE Conference on, 1–8.
    4. Wang, L., Jin, H., Yang, R., and Gong, M. 2008. Stereoscopic inpainting: Joint color and depth completion from stereo images. In Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2008. CVPR 2008. IEEE Conference on, 1–8.



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