2022 Posters: Fukasawa_Spatial Augmented Reality Assistance System With Accelerometer and Projection Mapping at Cleaning Activities

“Spatial Augmented Reality Assistance System With Accelerometer and Projection Mapping at Cleaning Activities” by Fukasawa and Nakayama

2022 Posters: Fuji_Rendering of Scratched Transparent Materials Using Precomputed SV-BSDFs

“Rendering of Scratched Transparent Materials Using Precomputed SV-BSDFs” by Fuji, Sato, Iwasaki, Dobashi, Gao, et al. …

2022 Posters: Shen_Parallax Background Texture Generation

“Parallax Background Texture Generation” by Shen, Okano, Dille and Aksoy

2022 Posters: Lanza_On the Influence of Dynamic Illumination in the Perception of Translucency

“On the Influence of Dynamic Illumination in the Perception of Translucency” by Lanza, Padrón-Griffe, Jarabo and Masia

2022 Posters: Royo_Non-line-of-sight Transient Rendering

“Non-line-of-sight Transient Rendering” by Royo, Garcia, Luesia-Lahoz, Marco, Gutierrez, et al. …

2022 Posters: Gandeaga_DynaPix: Normal Map Pixelization for Dynamic Lighting

“DynaPix: Normal Map Pixelization for Dynamic Lighting” by Gandeaga, Iliash, Careaga and Aksoy

2022 Posters: Omine_Automatic Generation of a 3D Braid Hair Model From a Single Image

“Automatic Generation of a 3D Braid Hair Model From a Single Image” by Omine, Morimoto and Tsuruno

2022 Posters: Vermandere_Automatic Alignment and Completion of Point Cloud Environments Using XR Data

“Automatic Alignment and Completion of Point Cloud Environments Using XR Data” by Vermandere, Bassier and Vergauwen

2022 Posters: Xing_A Well-aligned Dataset for Learning Image Signal Processing on Smartphones From a High-end Camera

“A Well-aligned Dataset for Learning Image Signal Processing on Smartphones From a High-end Camera” by Xing, Li, Zhang and Chen

2022 Posters: Shiina_Stereoscopic Transparent Display Visible With Naked Eye

“Stereoscopic Transparent Display Visible With Naked Eye” by Shiina and Hashimoto

2022 Posters: Huang_Scattering From Elliptical Hair Fibers Based on Microfacet Theory

“Scattering From Elliptical Hair Fibers Based on Microfacet Theory” by Huang, Hullin and Hanika

2022 Posters: Dukor_Interactive Editing of Monocular Depth

“Interactive Editing of Monocular Depth” by Dukor, Miangoleh, Krishna Reddy, Mai and Aksoy

2022 Posters: Debevec_HDR Lighting Dilation for Dynamic Range Reduction on Virtual Production Stages

“HDR Lighting Dilation for Dynamic Range Reduction on Virtual Production Stages” by Debevec and LeGendre

2022 Posters: Cha_Generating 3D Human Texture From a Single Image With Sampling and Refinement

“Generating 3D Human Texture From a Single Image With Sampling and Refinement” by Cha, Seo, Ashtari and Noh

2022 Posters: Schmid_Determining the Orientation of Low Resolution Images of a De-Bruijn Tracking Pattern With a CNN

“Determining the Orientation of Low Resolution Images of a De-Bruijn Tracking Pattern With a CNN” by Schmid and Wimmer

2022 Posters: Matsuura_Blow-up Print: Rapidly 3D Printing Inflatable Objects in the Compressed State

“Blow-up Print: Rapidly 3D Printing Inflatable Objects in the Compressed State” by Matsuura, Narumi, Aoki, Noma, Nakashima, et al. …

2022 Posters: Greenwood_A GPU-accelerated Hydrodynamics Solver for Atmosphere-fire Interactions

“A GPU-accelerated Hydrodynamics Solver for Atmosphere-fire Interactions” by Greenwood, Quaife and Speer

2022 Posters: Padhye_SVBRDF Estimation Using a Normal Sorting Technique

“SVBRDF Estimation Using a Normal Sorting Technique” by Padhye, Messinger and Ferwerda

2022 Posters: Kim_Real-time Lens Distortion Algorithm on Embedded GPU Systems

“Real-time Lens Distortion Algorithm on Embedded GPU Systems” by Kim and Kim

2022 Posters: Nitzan_Learning a Personalized Generative Prior for Face Images

“Learning a Personalized Generative Prior for Face Images” by Nitzan, Aberman, Liba, He, Yarom, et al. …

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