2022 Posters: Chang_ProjecString: Turning an Everyday String Curtain Into an Interactive Projection Display

“ProjecString: Turning an Everyday String Curtain Into an Interactive Projection Display” by Chang, Shin, Kim and Lee

2022 Posters: Rorberg_Programmable Eclairs

“Programmable Eclairs” by Rorberg, Lev, Lev, Sterman and Ben-Chen

2022 Posters: Murakami_Kuchibashi: 3D-printed Tweezers Bioinspired by the New Caledonian Crow’s Beak

“Kuchibashi: 3D-printed Tweezers Bioinspired by the New Caledonian Crow’s Beak” by Murakami, Torii, Meza and Ochiai

2022 Posters: Ma_Inclusive Character Creator: A Showcase of Inclusive Design for 3D Character Creators

“Inclusive Character Creator: A Showcase of Inclusive Design for 3D Character Creators” by Ma

2022 Posters: Noguchi_High-low Tech Ombro-Cinéma

“High-low Tech Ombro-Cinéma” by Noguchi and Nishino

2022 Posters: Barreiros_HYFAR: A Textile Soft Actuator for Haptic Clothing Interfaces

“HYFAR: A Textile Soft Actuator for Haptic Clothing Interfaces” by Barreiros, Liu, Chiaramonte, Jost, Menguc, et al. …

2022 Posters: Chen_GravityPack: Exploring a Wearable Gravity Display for Immersive Interaction Using Liquid-based System

“GravityPack: Exploring a Wearable Gravity Display for Immersive Interaction Using Liquid-based System” by Chen, Lu and Han

2022 Posters: Inagaki_Easy Rearward Visibility by the Control of Eye Direction in Viewing Panoramic Images With HMD” by Inagaki and Funahashi

“Easy Rearward Visibility by the Control of Eye Direction in Viewing Panoramic Images With HMD” by Inagaki and Funahashi

2022 Posters: Malpica_Auditory Stimuli Degrade Visual Performance in Virtual Reality

“Auditory Stimuli Degrade Visual Performance in Virtual Reality” by Malpica, Serrano, Guerrero-Viu, Martin, Bernal, et al. …

2022 Posters: Lee_A Comparison of Zoom-in Transition Methods for Multiscale VR

“A Comparison of Zoom-in Transition Methods for Multiscale VR” by Lee, Asente and Stuerzlinger

2022 Posters: Roice_RHapTor: Rendering Haptic Torques for Virtual Reality

“RHapTor: Rendering Haptic Torques for Virtual Reality” by Roice and Koulieris

2022 Posters: Kamarianakis_Recording and Replaying Psychomotor User Actions in VR

“Recording and Replaying Psychomotor User Actions in VR” by Kamarianakis, Chrysovergis, Kentros and Papagiannakis

2022 Posters: Jing_Near-gaze Visualisations of Empathic Communication Cues in Mixed Reality Collaboration

“Near-gaze Visualisations of Empathic Communication Cues in Mixed Reality Collaboration” by Jing, Gupta, McDade, Lee and Billinghurst

2022 Posters: Yonezawa_MetaPo: A Robotic Meta Portal for Interspace Communication

“MetaPo: A Robotic Meta Portal for Interspace Communication” by Yonezawa, Hayashida, Przybilla, Kyono, Urano, et al. …

2022 Posters: Doula_Immersive-Labeler: Immersive Annotation of Large-scale 3D Point Clouds in Virtual Reality

“Immersive-Labeler: Immersive Annotation of Large-scale 3D Point Clouds in Virtual Reality” by Doula, Güdelhöfer, Mativiienko, Mühlhäuser and Guinea

2022 Posters: Alpay_Denoising and Guided Upsampling of Monte Carlo Path Traced Low Resolution RenderingsContributorsKadir Cenk AlpayAhmet Oguz Akyuz

“Denoising and Guided Upsampling of Monte Carlo Path Traced Low Resolution RenderingsContributorsKadir Cenk AlpayAhmet Oguz Akyuz” by Alpay and Akyüz

2022 Posters: Derin_Compression and Interactive Visualization of Terabyte Scale Volumetric RGBA Data With Voxel-scale Details

“Compression and Interactive Visualization of Terabyte Scale Volumetric RGBA Data With Voxel-scale Details” by Derin, Harada, Takeda and Iba

2022 Posters: Tokuyoshi_Accurate Diffuse Lighting From Spherical Gaussian Lights

“Accurate Diffuse Lighting From Spherical Gaussian Lights” by Tokuyoshi and Yoshimura

2022 Posters: Kiuchi_ZIGEN: A Windowing System Enabling Multitasking Among 3D and 2D Applications in Immersive Environments

“ZIGEN: A Windowing System Enabling Multitasking Among 3D and 2D Applications in Immersive Environments” by Kiuchi, Eguchi, Rekimoto, Tsukada and Esaki

2022 Posters: Gaveau_Sphere: A Novel Approach to 3D and Active Sound Localization

“Sphere: A Novel Approach to 3D and Active Sound Localization” by Gaveau, Coudert, Salemme, Koun, Desoche, et al. …

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