“HDR Lighting Dilation for Dynamic Range Reduction on Virtual Production Stages” by Debevec and LeGendre

  • ©Paul E. Debevec and Chloe LeGendre



Entry Number: 51


    HDR Lighting Dilation for Dynamic Range Reduction on Virtual Production Stages



    We present a technique to reduce the dynamic range of an HDRI lighting environment map in an efficient, energy-preserving manner by spreading out the light of concentrated light sources. This allows us to display a reasonable approximation of the illumination of an HDRI map in a lighting reproduction system with limited dynamic range such as virtual production LED Stage. The technique identifies regions of the HDRI map above a given pixel threshold, dilates these regions until the average pixel value within each is below the threshold, and finally replaces each dilated region’s pixels with the region’s average pixel value. The new HDRI map contains the same energy as the original, spreads the light as little as possible, and avoids chromatic fringing.


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    Chloe LeGendre, Xueming Yu, Dai Liu, Jay Busch, Andrew Jones, Sumanta Pattanaik, and Paul Debevec. 2016. Practical Multispectral Lighting Reproduction. ACM Trans. Graph. 35, 4, Article 32 (Jul 2016), 11 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/2897824.2925934Google ScholarDigital Library

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