“Interactive Editing of Monocular Depth” by Dukor, Miangoleh, Krishna Reddy, Mai and Aksoy

  • ©Obumneme Stanley Dukor, S. Mahdi H. Miangoleh, Mahesh Kumar Krishna Reddy, Long Mai, and Yagiz Aksoy



Entry Number: 52


    Interactive Editing of Monocular Depth



    Recent advances in computer vision have made 3D structure-aware editing of still photographs a reality. Such computational photography applications use a depth map that is automatically generated by monocular depth estimation methods to represent the scene structure. In this work, we present a lightweight, web-based interactive depth editing and visualization tool that adapts low-level conventional image editing operations for geometric manipulation to enable artistic control in the 3D photography workflow. Our tool provides real-time feedback on the geometry through a 3D scene visualization to make the depth map editing process more intuitive for artists. Our web-based tool is open-source1 and platform-independent to support wider adoption of 3D photography techniques in everyday digital photography.


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