2012 Posters Kawate Video Retrieval based on User Specified Deformation 01

“Video retrieval based on user-specified deformation” by Kawate, Okabe, Onai, Hirano and Sanjo

2012 Posters Maejima 3D Human Head Geometry Estimation from a Speech 01

“3D human head geometry estimation from a speech” by Maejima and Morishima

2012 Posters: Kato_world eco-tope

“World eco-tope” by Kato, Watanabe, Fukazawa, Sato and Mori

2012 Posters: Barden_Telematic Dinner Party: Designing for Togetherness through Play and Performance

“The telematic dinner party” by Barden, Comber, Green, Jackson, Ladha, et al. …


“New interactive visualisation of multiscale biomedical data” by Testi, Giunchi, Clapworthy, Aylward, Planes, et al. …

2012 Posters Lafayette Network for Sciences, Engineering, Arts and Design 01

“Network for sciences, engineering, arts and design” by Lafayette, Rikakis, Cox, Nadarajan, Strohecker, et al. …

2012 Posters Heun Perifoveal Display Combining Foveal with Peripheral Vision in one Visualization 01

“Perifoveal display: combining foveal with peripheral vision in one visualization” by Heun, Kapri and Maes

2012 Posters Marchesi Neu how brain activity can change an animated scene 01

“Neu: how brain activity can change an animated scene” by Marchesi

2012 Posters Nagao SAION Selective Audio Image Reproduction System Using Multiple Hyper Directional Loudspeakers 01

“SAION: selective audio image reproduction system using multiple hyper directional loudspeakers” by Nagao and Naemura

2012 Posters: Yamashita_Stuffed Toys Alive! : Cuddly Robots from Fantasy World

“Stuffed toys alive!: cuddly robots from fantasy world” by Yamashita, Ishikawa, Mitake, Takase, Kato, et al. …

2012 Posters Yamaoka NeonDough Crafting with Interactive Lighted Clay 01

“NeonDough: crafting with interactive lighted clay” by Yamaoka and Kakehi

2012 Posters: Kitazawa_NanoAR: Mobile AR Application with Microscopic Interaction

“NanoAR: mobile AR application with microscopic interaction” by Kitazawa, Sueda and Duh

2012 Posters: Bae_Drum On: Interactive Personal Instrument Learning System

“Drum On: interactive personal instrument learning system” by Bae, Lee, Cho, Heo and Bang

2012 Posters Shoji mimicat Face input interface supporting animatronics costume performer`s facial expression 07

“mimicat: face input interface supporting animatronics costume performer’s facial expression” by Shoji, Yoshiike, Kikukawa, Nishikawa, Saori, et al. …

2012 Posters: Nguyen_Image Based Smartphone Interaction with Large High Resolution Displays

“Image based smartphone interaction with large high resolution displays” by Nguyen and Schulze

2012 Posters Schwenk Radiance Filtering for Interactive Path Tracing 01

“Radiance Filtering for Interactive Path Tracing” by Schwenk and Drevensek

2012 Posters Inglis Pixelating Vector Line Art 01

“Pixelating vector line art” by Inglis and Kaplan

2012 Posters Jeong Multi Resolution Depth of Field Rendering 01

“Multi-resolution depth-of-field rendering” by Jeong, Kim and Lee

2012 Posters Fei Fast Multi image based Photon Tracing with Grid based Gathering 01

“Fast multi-image-based photon tracing with grid-based gathering” by Fei and Wang

2012 Posters: Schafer_Interactive generation of (paleontological) scientific illustrations from 3D-models

“Interactive generation of (paleontological) scientific illustrations from 3D-models” by Schafer, Knopp and Kromker

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