“NanoAR: mobile AR application with microscopic interaction” by Kitazawa, Sueda and Duh
- NanoAR: mobile AR application with microscopic interaction
We propose a novel mobile AR (Augmented Reality) application that uses a microscopic interaction prototype called NanoAR. A user can view the AR content using a USB or an iPhone microscope via NanoAR. The objects that the user can view using this application are related to the magnification rate; in other words, the application resembles a microscope in the real world. This indicates that a user can view two different objects on the same spot of the paper. In our previous project MicroAR, we used the metaphor of familiar actions in order to view small objects in the real world, such as the use of a magnifying glass. This makes the AR tool more natural, leading users to concentrate on the AR world more deeply and easily. NanoAR is the developed prototype of this concept.
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4. Koh Sueda, Jian Gu, Shintaro Kitazawa, and Henry Been-Lirn Duh (2011). “Micro AR for education: using metaphors for familiar actions,” in proceeding of SIGGRAPH ASIA 2011 Emerging Technologies. 978-1-4503-1136-6
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