2005 Poster: Shibata Ubiquitous ivy: A Communication Media for Intimate Company

“Ubiquitous ivy: a communication media for intimate company”

2005 Poster: Hashimoto LATTEMEGANE: The glasses and actuator network for looking for one's own treasure

“LATTEMEGANE: the glasses and actuator-network for looking for one’s own treasure” by Hashimoto, Uriu, Nagao, Fukushima and Okude

2005 Poster: Coelho DinnerWare: Why Playing with Food Should Be Encouraged

“DinnerWare: why playing with food should be encouraged” by Coelho

2005 Poster: Hamada PiedPiper: A Media to Create a New Site of Pilgrimage in Town

“PiedPiper: a media to create a new site of pilgrimage in town” by Hamada, Hashimoto, Okude and Furuoka

2005 Poster: Hepting Realtime Interactive Multimedia Performance

“Realtime interactive multimedia performance” by Hepting, Gerhard and Rathgaber

2005 Poster: Scheible Mobile Group Interaction with Interactive Video on Large Public Display

“Mobile group interaction with interactive video on large public display” by Scheible and Ojala

2005 Poster: Evans Time Slices to Sonic Maps

“Time slices to sonic maps” by Evans

2005 Poster: Vaucelle Re thinking real time video making for the museum exhibition space

“Re-thinking real time video making for the museum exhibition space” by Vaucelle, Gorman, Clancy and Tangney

2005 Poster: Yamamoto The HYPERREAL Design System

“The HYPERREAL design system” by Yamamoto, Hisada, Kanaya and Sato

2005 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Operation rhinoctopus: a real-time interactive video manipulation device” by Taylor

2005 Poster: Fujiki Hyper Paint : A possible software toy

“Hyper-paint: a possible software-toy” by Fujiki and Tomimatsu

2005 Poster: Hawkin Keyframing Using Linear Interpolation of Matrices

“Keyframing using linear interpolation of matrices” by Hawkins and Grimm

2005 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“A multimodal artistic interface” by Quinn and Fernstrom

2005 Poster: Kawamoto Automatic Head Movement Control for Emotional Speech

“Automatic head-movement control for emotional speech” by Kawamoto, Yotsukura, Morishima and Nakamura

2005 Poster: Yotsukura Speech to Talking Heads System Based on Hidden Markov Models

“Speech to talking heads system based on hidden Markov models” by Yotsukura, Morishima and Nakamura

2005 Poster: Berger Automatic Camera Navigation for Time variant Objects

“Automatic camera navigation for time-variant objects” by Berger and Yin

2005 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Using NPAR to reveal “The Swan”” by Rowland

2005 Poster: Nakasu NIGAO : Interactive Facial Caricature Drawing System Using Genetic Algorithm

“NIGAO: interactive facial caricature drawing system using genetic algorithm” by Nakasu, Chandrasiri, Naemura and Harashima

2005 Poster: TERAI Color Decomposition for Reproducing Multi color Woodblock Prints

“Color decomposition for reproducing multi-color woodblock prints” by Terai, Mizuno and Okada

2005 Poster: TASAKI Virtual Mezzotint using a Model driven Strategy

“Virtual mezzotint using a model-driven strategy” by Tasaki, Mizuno and Okada

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