“Realtime interactive multimedia performance” by Hepting, Gerhard and Rathgaber

  • ©Daryl H. Hepting, David Gerhard, and Joel Rathgaber




    Realtime interactive multimedia performance



    A multimedia composition can be regarded as tracing a path through a very high-dimensional parameter space. Hepting and Gerhard [Hepting and Gerhard 2004] described an approach for managing parameter spaces for multimedia composition that allows an artist to explore both individual compositional elements, like music and animation, and integrated compositions in a more efficient manner than was previously possible. The approach makes use of a central parameter variation that is independently mapped onto generators for the compositional elements. This central parameter variation (CPV) ensures that the individual elements are integrated with one another. At present, this approach allows the artist to globally explore all possible media ‘fragments’, which are generated as required. This poster describes an extension to this approach that gives the artist the ability to interactively conduct local explorations of the parameter space in real-time. By analogy, the global exploration defines an instrument and the local exploration is concerned with playing that instrument.


    1. Hepting, D. H., and Gerhard, D. 2004. Collaborative computer-aided parameter exploration for music and animation. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computer Music Modelling and Retrieval, LNCS Vol. 3310.
    2. Ng, K. 2002. Interactive gesture music performance interface. In NIME 2002 Proceedings.
    3. Puckette, M. 1996. In Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference.

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