2007 Poster Guan NPR in Production Animating the Sung dynasty painting “Children at Play” 01

“NPR in production: animating the Sung dynasty painting “Children at Play”” by Guan, Maas, Chen and Chuang

2007 Posters: Orzan Multi scale shape manipulations in photographs

“Multi-scale shape manipulations in photographs” by Orzan, Barla, Bousseau and Thollot

2007 Posters: Veeraraghavan A Low Cost Test Bed for Light Field Capture Experiments

“A low-cost test bed for light field capture experiments” by Veeraraghavan, Mohan, Tumblin, Raskar and Agrawal

2007 Poster Baba Extended Diffuse Reflection Model for Reflectance Estimation 01

“Extended diffuse reflection model for reflectance estimation” by Baba, Hiramatsu, Mukunoki and Asada

2007 Poster Cadet Fast Approximate Ambient Occlusion 01

“Fast approximate ambient occlusion” by Cadet and Lécussan

2007 Posters: Yano_Real-time Volume Shading for Deformable Model

“Real-time volume shading for deformable model” by Yano, Nakao and Minato

2007 Poster 4D View Synthesis Navigating through Time and Space 01

“4D view synthesis: navigating through time and space” by Sun, Schindler, Kang and Dellaert

2007 Posters: Konttinen Image Space Particle Emission

“Image-space particle emission” by Konttinen, Pattanaik and Hughes

2007 Poster Doi Skin Image Rendering by Multi resolution Texture Synthesis 02

“Skin image rendering by multi-resolution texture synthesis”

2006 Poster: White Slow In and Slow Out Cartoon Animation Filter

“Slow in and slow out cartoon animation filter” by White, Loken and Panne

2006 Poster: TATENO Motion Stylization using a Timing Control Method

“Motion stylization using a timing control method” by Tateno, Xin and Konma

2006 Poster: Rinaldi Modelling Behavior in a School of Fish by Fast Synthetic Distributed Vision

“Modelling behavior in a school of fish by fast synthetic distributed vision” by Rinaldi, Malizia and Parent

2006 Poster: Oda Interactive Skeleton Extraction for 3D Animation using Geodesic Distances

“Interactive skeleton extraction for 3D animation using geodesic distances”

2006 Poster: Wiratanaya An Application of Facial Animation Techniques to Expression Normalization for Robust Face Recognition

“An application of facial animation techniques to expression normalization for robust face recognition” by Wiratanaya, Hahnel and Kraiss

2006 Poster: Loviscach Visualization of Bone Weights

“Visualization of bone weights” by Loviscach

2006 Poster: Tigan Vector Coupled Kinematics in Character Rigs for Increased Usability

“Vector coupled kinematics in character rigs for increased usability” by Tigan

2006 Poster: Soga Web3D Dance Composer: Automatic Composition of Ballet Sequences

“Web3D dance composer: automatic composition of ballet sequences” by Soga, Umino, Yasuda and Yokoi

2006 Poster: Kazama Hair Motion Re Modeling from Cartoon Animation Sequence

“Hair motion re-modeling from cartoon animation sequence”

2006 Poster: Huang Progressive Deforming Meshes based on Deformation Oriented Decimation

“Progressive deforming meshes based on deformation oriented decimation” by Huang, Chen and Chuang

2006 Poster: Kawasaki Volumetric 3D Display with Scanned 1D LED Arrays and its Application to Animation Contents

“Volumetric 3D display with scanned 1D LED arrays and its application to animation contents” by Kawasaki, Watanabe, Yamaguchi and Sakamoto

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