“Progressive deforming meshes based on deformation oriented decimation” by Huang, Chen and Chuang
- Progressive deforming meshes based on deformation oriented decimation
Progressive Meshes (PM) presented by Hoppe [1996] is a method for representing a static 3D model with continuous levels-of-details (LODs) based on iterative edge-collapse/vertex-split operations. Besides static models, animation models or so-called deforming meshes are more widely used recently. Some previous methods simplify the deforming meshes primarily only based on the geo- metric features, however, in this poster we take the temporal and geometric features together into consideration.
1. Garland, M., and Heckbert, P. S. 1997. Surface simplification using quadric error metrics. In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 97, 209–216.
2. Hoppe, H. 1996. Progressive meshes. In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 96, 99–108.
3. Mohr, A., and Gleicher, M. 2003. Deformation sensitive decimation. Tech. rep., University of Wisconsin.