2009 03 Introduction to Computer Graphics

“Introduction to Computer Graphics” by Glassner

2009 01 Advances in Real-Time Rendering in 3D Graphics and Games I

“Advances in Real-Time Rendering in 3D Graphics and Games I” by Tatarchuk

2008 Course Cover 16 How to Attend SIGGRAPH 2008

“How to Attend SIGGRAPH 2008” by Bailey

2008 Course Cover 10 Computation Journalism

“Computation & Journalism” by Essa, Stenger, Ulken, Koetter, Agrawala, et al. …

2008 Course Cover 04 Advances in Real Time Rendering in 3D Graphics and Games Part 2

“Advances in Real-Time Rendering in 3D Graphics and Games: Part 2” by Tatarchuk, Oat, Evans, Chen, Liu, et al. …

2008 Course Cover 03 Advances in Real Time Rendering in 3D Graphics and Games Part 1

“Advances in Real-Time Rendering in 3D Graphics and Games: Part 1” by Tatarchuk, Oat, Evans, Chen, Liu, et al. …

2008 Course Cover 33 Visual Thinking Via Shape Grammars

“Visual Thinking Via Shape Grammars” by Özkar and Kotsopoulos

2008 Course Cover 32 Transportation Visualization

“Transportation Visualization” Chaired by Theresa-Marie Rhyne

2008 Course Cover 31 Tile Based Methods for Interactive Applications

“Tile-Based Methods for Interactive Applications” by Lagae, Kaplan, Fu, Ostromoukhov and Deussen

2008 Course Cover 30 The Art of Grant Writing

“The Art of Proposal Writing” by Cunningham, McGrath and Rosenblum

2008 Course Cover 29 Sorting in Space

“Sorting in Space: Multidimensional, Spatial, and Metric Data Structures for Computer Graphics Applications” by Samet

2008 Course Cover 28 Real Time Physics

“Real Time Physics” by Müller-Fischer, Stam, James and Thuerey

2008 Course Cover 27 Realistic Hair Simulation Animation and Rendering

“Realistic Hair Simulation: Animation and Rendering” by Bertails, Hadap, Cani, Lin, Kim, et al. …

2008 Course Cover 26 Psychophysics 101 How to Run Perception Experiments in Computer Graphics

“Psychophysics 101: How to Run Perception Experiments in Computer Graphics” by Ferwerda

2008 Course Cover 25 Projectors for Graphics

“Projectors for Graphics” by Raskar, Majumder, Lensch and Bimber

2008 Course Cover 24 Principles of Appearance Acquisition and Representation

“Principles of Appearance Acquisition and Representation” by Weyrich, Lawrence, Lensch, Rusinkiewicz and Zickler

2008 Course Cover 23 Practical Global Illumination With Irradiance Caching

“Practical Global Illumination With Irradiance Caching” by Ward, Jensen, Christensen and Tabellion

2008 Course Cover 22 OpenGL What_s Coming Down the Graphics Pipeline

“OpenGL: What’s Coming Down the Graphics Pipeline” by Shreiner, Angel, Licea-Kane and Hart

2008 Course Cover 21 Motion Planning and Autonomy for Virtual Humans

“Motion Planning and Autonomy for Virtual Humans” by Pettre, Kallmann, Lin, Kuffner, Gleicher, et al. …

2008 Course Cover 20 Massive Model Visualization Techniques

“Massive Model Visualization Techniques” by Kasik, Dietrich, Gobbetti, Marton, Manocha, et al. …

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