“How to Design User-Computer Interfaces”

“Psychology of User-Computer Interfaces”

“Introduction to Raster Graphics”

“Color Perception” by Ware

“Introduction to Computer Graphics” by Booth, Cowan, Field, Forsey and Wein

2014 27 Scattered Data Interpolation for Computer Graphics

“Scattered Data Interpolation for Computer Graphics” by Anjyo, Lewis and Pighin

2014 26 Raytracers and Workflow A Production Perspective

“Raytracers and Workflow: A Production Perspective” by Andrewartha, Ragsdale and Beilby

2014 25 Introduction to 3D Gestural Interfaces

“Introduction to 3D Gestural Interfaces” by LaViola

2014 24 Skinning Real-Time Shape Deformation

“Skinning: Real-Time Shape Deformation” by Jacobson, Deng, Kavan and Lewis

2014 23 Physically Based Shading in Theory and Practice

“Physically Based Shading in Theory and Practice” by Hill, McAuley, Dupuy, Gotanda, Heitz, et al. …

2014 22 Eulerian Solids for Soft Tissue and More!

“Eulerian Solids for Soft Tissue and More!” by Pai, Levin and Fan

2014 21 Why Graphics Programmers Need to Know About DRAM

“Why Graphics Programmers Need to Know About DRAM” by Brunvand, Chatterjee and Kopta

2014 20 Machine Learning for Graphics

“Machine Learning for Graphics” by Hall

2014 19 Mathematical Basics of Motion and Deformation in Computer Graphics

“Mathematical Basics of Motion and Deformation in Computer Graphics” by Ochiai and Anjyo

2014 18 Building an Empire Asset Production in Ryse

“Building an Empire: Asset Production in Ryse” by Evans, Martinsson and Herfort

2014 17 Recent Advances in Light-Transport Simulation Some Theory and a Lot of Practice

“Recent Advances in Light-Transport Simulation: Some Theory and a Lot of Practice” by Křivánek, Keller, Georgiev, Kaplanyan, Fajardo, et al. …

2014 16 Destiny Character-Animation System and Lessons Learned

“Destiny Character-Animation System and Lessons Learned” by Lee, Armstrong and Spataro

2014 15 Character Creation Pipeline and Rendering in Destiny

“Character Creation Pipeline and Rendering in Destiny” by Tatarchuk, Burke, Sanocki and Jones

2014 14 Moving Pictures Making the Most of the Mobile

“Moving Pictures: Making the Most of the Mobile” by Garrard

2014 13 Structure-Aware Shape Processing

“Structure-Aware Shape Processing” by Mitra, Wand, Zhang, Cohen-Or, Kim, et al. …

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