2016 19 A Practical Introduction to Frequency Analysis of Light Transport

“A Practical Introduction to Frequency Analysis of Light Transport” by Belcour

2016 18 Open Problems in Real-Time Rendering

“Open Problems in Real-Time Rendering” by Lefohn, Brainderd, McGuire, Foley, Fatahalian, et al. …

2016 17 The Quest for the Ray Tracing API

“The Quest for the Ray Tracing API” by Harada, Kozlov, Karrenberg, Peterson and Hector

2016 16 Inverse Procedural Modeling of 3D Models for Virtual Worlds

“Inverse Procedural Modeling of 3D Models for Virtual Worlds” by Demir, Benes and Wand

2016 14 Vector-Field Processing on Triangle Meshes

“Vector-Field Processing on Triangle Meshes” by Desbrun and Tong

2016 13 HDR Content Creation Creative and Technical Challenges

“HDR Content Creation: Creative and Technical Challenges” by Pines

2016 12 Advances in Real-Time Rendering, Part II

“Advances in Real-Time Rendering, Part II” by Jimenez, Jiang, Gonzalez-Ochoa, Xu, El-Garawany, et al. …

2016 10 Advances in Real-Time Rendering, Part I

“Advances in Real-Time Rendering, Part I” by Jimenez, Jiang, Gonzalez-Ochoa, Xu, El-Garawany, et al. …

2016 9 Troubleshooting and Cleanup Techniques for 3D Printing

“Troubleshooting and Cleanup Techniques for 3D Printing” by Winkel

2016 8 Capturing the Human Body From VR, Consumer, to Health Applications

“Capturing the Human Body: From VR, Consumer, to Health Applications” by Das, Swedish, Shah, Raskar and Wei

2016 6 Physically Based Shading in Theory and Practice

“Physically Based Shading in Theory and Practice” by Hill, Cordes, Hery, Hillaire, Hoffman, et al. …

2016 5 Moving Mobile Graphics

“Moving Mobile Graphics” by Bjørge, Smedberg, Garrard, Tran, Everitt, et al. …

2016 4 Augmented Reality - Principles and Practice

“Augmented Reality – Principles and Practice” by Höllerer

2016 3 An Elementary Introduction to Matrix Exponential for CG

“An Elementary Introduction to Matrix Exponential for CG” by Anjyo and Kimura

2016 2 Haptic Technologies for Direct Touch in Virtual Reality

“Haptic Technologies for Direct Touch in Virtual Reality” by Okamura and Subramanian

2016 1 Fundamentals Seminar

“Fundamentals Seminar” by Bailey

2016 15 Computational Geometry Algorithms Library

“Computational Geometry Algorithms Library” by Fabri and Rineau

2016 11 Human-Centered Design for VR Interactions

“Human-Centered Design for VR Interactions” by Jerald and Marks

“Building Scientific and Engineering Graphics Applications”

“Distributed Graphic Systems: Workstations, Microcomputers and Mainframes” by Brown, Crawford, Hamlin, Paller, Rankin, et al. …

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