2023 Labs: Nolan_Reactive Visuals in P5.js with Custom Analog and Digital Inputs

“Labs Hands-On Class: Reactive Visuals in P5.js with Custom Analog and Digital Inputs” by Nolan

2023 Labs: Seta_Sketching Pipelines for Ephemeral Immersive Spaces

“Labs Hands-On Class: Sketching Pipelines for Ephemeral Immersive Spaces” by Seta, Frisson and Meneses

2023 Labs: McNamara_Building Maps on the Web Using RStudio, Leaflet, & Shiny

“Labs Hands-On Class: Building Maps on the Web Using RStudio, Leaflet, & Shiny” by McNamara

2023 Labs: Dietz_Elementary Paper Animatronics

“Labs Hands-On Class: Elementary Paper Animatronics” by Dietz and Kushner

2023 Labs: McNamara_Unleashing the Power of Python in Autodesk Maya

“Labs Hands-On Class: Unleashing the Power of Python in Autodesk Maya” by McNamara

2023 Labs: Felinto_Blender Simulation Nodes

“Labs Hands-On Class: Blender Simulation Nodes” by Felinto and Thommes

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“Labs Hands-On Class: Bringing Characters to Life With AI and OpenUSD: A Blender, NVIDIA Omniverse Audio2Face, and Unreal Engine Workflow” by Ghobadpour and Fraser

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“Labs Hands-On Class: OpenUSD for 3D Creators: Collaborative Workflows With Adobe Substance 3D Painter, Autodesk Maya​, and NVIDIA Omniverse” by Fraser and Ghobadpour

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“Labs Hands-On Class: Fundamentals of Universal Scene Description (OpenUSD)” by Cutsinger, Codesal, Borucki, Goldstein and Bowman

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“Labs Hands-On Class: Build Custom 3D Scene Manipulator Extensions With NVIDIA Omniverse and OpenUSD” by Cutsinger, Codesal, Borucki, Goldstein and Bowman

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“Labs Hands-On Class: Use NVIDIA Nsight Tools to Debug and Profile Ray Tracing Applications” by Reis and Kiel

2023 Labs: Tsutsui_Ultrasonic Embossment of Acrylic Sheets with Transparency Control

“Ultrasonic Embossment of Acrylic Sheets with Transparency Control” by Tsutsui, Fushimi, Tanaka, Murakami and Ochiai

2023 Image Not Available

“The Algorithmic Art Studio” by Merrill

2023 Labs: Tanaka_Text to Haptics: Method and Case Studies of Designing Tactile Graphics for Inclusive Tactile Picture Books by Digital Fabrication and Generative AI

“Text to Haptics: Method and Case Studies of Designing Tactile Graphics for Inclusive Tactile Picture Books by Digital Fabrication and Generative AI” by Tanaka, Tsutsui, Fushimi and Ochiai

2023 Labs: Ozawa_Give Life Back to Alternative Process: Exploring Handmade Photographic Printing Experiments towards Digital Nature Ecosystem

“Give Life Back to Alternative Process: Exploring Handmade Photographic Printing Experiments towards Digital Nature Ecosystem” by Ozawa, Yamamoto and Ochiai

2022 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“A Moving Eulerian-Lagrangian Particle Method for Thin Films and Foam Simulation” by Deng, Wang, Kong, Xiong, Xian, et al. …

2022 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“CLIP2StyleGAN: Unsupervised Extraction of StyleGAN Edit Directions” by Abdal, Zhu, Femiani, Mitra and Wonka

2022 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Stroke Transfer: Example-based Synthesis of Animatable Stroke Styles” by Todo, Kobayashi, Katsuragi, Shimotahira, Kaji, et al. …

2022 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Umbrella Meshes: Elastic Mechanisms for Freeform Shape Deployment” by Ren, Kusupati, Panetta, Isvoranu, Pellis, et al. …

2022 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“How Ron’s Gone Wrong Went Right With Procedurally Generated Vector Graphics” by Siebzener, Nieto, Chan and Baaske

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