“Text to Haptics: Method and Case Studies of Designing Tactile Graphics for Inclusive Tactile Picture Books by Digital Fabrication and Generative AI” by Tanaka, Tsutsui, Fushimi and Ochiai

  • ©Kengo Tanaka, Ayaka Tsutsui, Tatsuki Fushimi, and Yoichi Ochiai




    Text to Haptics: Method and Case Studies of Designing Tactile Graphics for Inclusive Tactile Picture Books by Digital Fabrication and Generative AI



    Generative AI can make tactile picture books accessible to visually impaired people by quickly designing tactile graphics using the img2img function. The proposal suggests using this technology to create a tactile picture book for both sighted and visually impaired people, printable on a 3D printer with a transparent sheet.

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