“A Moving Eulerian-Lagrangian Particle Method for Thin Films and Foam Simulation” by Deng, Wang, Kong, Xiong, Xian, et al. …

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  • ©Yitong Deng, Mengdi Wang, Xiangxin Kong, Shiying Xiong, Zangyueyang Xian, and Bo Zhu


  • SIGGRAPH 2022
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    A Moving Eulerian-Lagrangian Particle Method for Thin Films and Foam Simulation

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    Demo Labs



    We present the Moving Eulerian-Lagrangian Particles (MELP), a novel mesh-free method for simulating incompressible fluid on thin films and foams. Employing a bi-layer particle structure, MELP jointly simulates detailed, vigorous flow and large surface deformation at high stability and efficiency. In addition, we design multi-MELP: a mechanism that facilitates the physically-based interaction between multiple MELP systems, to simulate bubble clusters and foams with non-manifold topological evolution. We showcase the efficacy of our method with a broad range of challenging thin film phenomena, including the Rayleigh-Taylor instability across double-bubbles, foam fragmentation with rim surface tension, recovery of the Plateau borders, Newton black films, as well as cyclones on bubble clusters.


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