“Labs Hands-On Class: Build Custom 3D Scene Manipulator Extensions With NVIDIA Omniverse and OpenUSD” by Cutsinger, Codesal, Borucki, Goldstein and Bowman

  • ©Paul Cutsinger, Matias Codesal, Jen Borucki, Ashley Goldstein, and Eric Bowman




    Labs Hands-On Class: Build Custom 3D Scene Manipulator Extensions With NVIDIA Omniverse and OpenUSD



    Become a developer for the next wave of physically-accurate 3D virtual worlds and learn to build on Omniverse and Universal Scene Description (OpenUSD).
    In this hands-on session, developers will:
    – Build advanced, OpenUSD-based tools on the modular, easily extensible Omniverse development platform
    – Learn how to extend and enhance the 3D tools you know and love today with OpenUSD
    – Build your own custom OpenUSD scene manipulator tools with hands-on exercises writing a few lines of Python code

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