Olin Lathrop

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Cognivision, Inc., Vice President

Other / Past Affiliation(s):

  • Apollo Computer Inc.


  • Chelmsford, Massachusetts, United States of America


  • SIGGRAPH 1999

    Olin Lathrop works for Cognivision, Inc., where he does consulting and custom software development for computer graphics. Olin holds a Master of Engineering in Electrical  Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Olin has also worked at Hewlett- Packard, Raster Technologies, and Apollo Computer, where he specialized in graphics hardware design. Olin is the author of the introductory book The Way Computer Graphics Works.  

    SIGGRAPH 1997

    Olin Lathrop works for Cognivision, Inc., where he does consulting and custom software development for computer graphics. Olin holds a Master of Engineering in Electrical  Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Olin has also worked at Hewlett- Packard, Raster Technologies, and Apollo Computer, where he specialized in graphics  hardware design. Olin wrote the introductory book The Way Computer Graphics Works.  

    SIGGRAPH 1994

    Olin lathrop is a founder and V.P. of Engineering of Cognivision Inc., a company specializing in computer graphics and visualization software and services, and associated consulting and education. His current interests are in visualization algorithms and techniques, and learning how to best present information for human understanding. He previously worked at Apollo Computer on the graphics architecture of the DN10000VS workstation, and at Raster Technologies designing 30 graphics products such as the model One/380 and the model One/25-S. Mr. lathrop is an occasional lecturer on computer graphics and data visualization at conferences and universities, but also enjoys teaching the basics to newcomers in the field. He received his B.S. (’78) and M.Eng. (’80) in electrical engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

    SIGGRAPH 1993

    Olin Lathrop is one of the two founders and V.P. of Research of Cognivision Inc., a company specializing in data visualization software and services. His current interests are in visualization algorithms and techniques, and learning how to best present information for human understanding. He previously worked at Apollo Computer on the graphics architecture of the DN10000VS workstation, and at Raster Technologies designing 3D graphics products such as the model One/380 and the model One/25-S. Mr. Lathrop is an occasional lecturer on computer graphics and data visualization at conferences and universities, but also enjoys teaching the basics to newcomers in the field. He received his B.S. (’78) and M.Eng. (’80) in electrical engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.  

    SIGGRAPH 1991

    Olin Lathrop is co-founder and Vice President of Research at Cognivision, Inc., a company specializing in data visualization software and services. He is currently interested in visualization algorithms, techniques, and how to best present information for human understanding. He previously worked at Apollo Computer on the DN10000/VS graphics subsystem, and at Raster Technologies on 30 products such as the Model One/25-S and the Model One/380. He received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in electrical engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 1978 and 1980, respectively.  

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