Michael Kass

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Pixar Animation Studios, Principal Research Scientist

Other Affiliation(s):

  • Apple Inc., Senior Scientist


  • Cupertino, California, United States of America


  • SIGGRAPH 1999

    Michael Kass is a Senior Scientist at Pixar Animation Studios where he developed the tools for physically-based clothing animation that were used on Pixar’s Academy Award winning short film “Geri’s game.” He received his B.A. from Princeton in 1982, his M.S. from M.I.T in 1984, and his Ph.D. from Stanford in 1988. Dr. Kass has received numerous awards for his research on physically-based methods in computer graphics and  computer vision including several conference best paper awards, the Prix Ars Electronica for the image “Reaction Diffusion Texture Buttons” and the Imagina Grand Prix for the animation “Splash Dance.” Before joining Pixar in 1995, Dr. Kass held research positions at Schlumberger Palo Alto Research, Apple Computer, and was Director of Technology at Live Picture Inc.  

    SIGGRAPH 1993

    Michael Kass is a Principal Research Scientist with the Advanced Technology Group of Apple Computer. He received a BA in Artificial Intelligence from Princeton University, an MS in Computer Science from MIT , and a PhD in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University. Before joining Apple Computer in 1988, he worked at Schlumberger Palo Alto Research in the field of computer graphics and computer vision. His research focus is on the use of physical simulation for computer graphics.

    SIGGRAPH 1992

    Michael Kass is a Staff Research Scientist with the Advanced Technology Group of Apple Computer. He received a B A in Artificial Intelligence from Princeton University, an M S in Computer Science from M I T , and a Ph D in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University. Before joining Apple Computer in 1988, he worked at Schlumberger Palo Alto Research in the field of computer graphics and computer vision. His research focus is on the use of physical simulation for computer graphics.  

    SIGGRAPH 1991

    Michael Kass is known for his work in computer vision and dynamics simulations (and for juggling clubs with his feet).  


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