Joseph J. LaViola Jr.

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Brown University, Associate Professor

Other / Past Affiliation(s):

  • University of Central Florida


  • SIGGRAPH 2015

    Joseph J. LaViola Jr. is the CAE Link Professor and Associate professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and directs the Interactive Systems and User Experience Research  Cluster of Excellence at the University of Central Florida. He is also an adjunct associate research professor in the Computer Science Department at Brown University. His primary research interests include  pen-based interactive computing, 3D spatial interfaces for video games, human-robot interaction, multi- modal interaction in virtual environments, and user interface evaluation. His work has appeared in journals  such as ACM TOCHI, IEEE PAMI, Presence, and IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, and he has  presented research at conferences including ACM CHI, ACM IUI, IEEE Virtual Reality, and ACM SIG- GRAPH. He has also co-authored ”3D User Interfaces: Theory and Practice,” the first comprehensive  book on 3D user interfaces. In 2009, he won an NSF Career Award to conduct research on mathematical sketching.

    Joseph received a Sc.M. in Computer Science in 2000, a Sc.M. in Applied Mathematics in 2001, and a Ph.D. in Computer Science in 2005 from Brown University.  

    SIGGRAPH 2014

    Joseph J. LaViola Jr. is the CAE Link Professor and associate professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and directs the Interactive Systems and User Experience Research  Cluster of Excellence at the University of Central Florida. He is also an adjunct associate research professor in the Computer Science Department at Brown University. His primary research interests include  pen-based interactive computing, 3D spatial interfaces for video games, human-robot interaction, multi- modal interaction in virtual environments, and user interface evaluation. His work has appeared in journals  such as ACM TOCHI, IEEE PAMI, Presence, and IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, and he has  presented research at conferences including ACM CHI, ACM IUI, IEEE Virtual Reality, and ACM SIGGRAPH. He has also co-authored ”3D User Interfaces: Theory and Practice,” the first comprehensive  book on 3D user interfaces. In 2009, he won an NSF Career Award to conduct research on mathematical sketching.

    Joseph received a Sc.M. in Computer Science in 2000, a Sc.M. in Applied Mathematics in 2001, and a Ph.D. in Computer Science in 2005 from Brown University.  

    SIGGRAPH 2011

    Joseph J. LaViola Jr. is an assistant professor in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and directs the Interactive Systems and User Experience Lab at the University of Central Florida.  He is also an adjunct assistant research professor in the Computer Science Department at Brown University. His primary research interests include pen-based interactive computing, 3D spatial interfaces for  video games, predictive motion tracking, multimodal interaction in virtual environments, and user interface evaluation. His work has appeared in journals such as ACM TOCHI, IEEE PAMI, Presence, and  IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, and he has presented research at conferences including ACM SIGGRAPH, ACM CHI, the ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, IEEE Virtual Reality, and Eurographics Virtual Environments. He has also co-authored ”3D User Interfaces: Theory and Practice,” the first comprehensive book on 3D user interfaces. In 2009, he won an NSF Career Award to conduct research on mathematical sketching. Joseph received a Sc.M. in Computer Science in 2000, a Sc.M. in Applied Mathematics in 2001, and a Ph.D. in Computer Science in 2005 from Brown University.   

    SIGGRAPH 2000

    Joseph J. LaViola Jr. is currently a Ph.D student in the Computer Science department and a Masters student in Applied Mathematics at Brown University. He works under the direction of Andries van Dam in the Computer Graphics Group. His primary research interests include multimodal interaction in virtual environments, interaction for large scale scientific and financial data visualization, and user interface evaluation. He has received a number of awards which include Florida Atlantic University’s Aaron Finennan Award, the Microsoft Senior Achievement Award, and is currently supported by an IBM Research Assistantship. In addition to his academic pursuits, he runs JJL Interface Consultants, a consulting business specializing in Interfaces for VR applications.  


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