Henry (Hank) Grebe
Most Recent Affiliation(s):
- AT&T Bell Labs, Retired, Consultant
- New York, Long Island, United States of America
Hank is a consultant with the User Interface Planning and Design Department at AT&T Bell Laboratories, Holmdel, New Jersey. He provides technical support and graphic design input to human factors engineers. Most of his Bell Labs work is done using UNIX workstations. He uses a Macintosh IIfx system to do freelance multimedia and computer graphics projects. Grebe received a B.S. degree in Art Education at the University of Wisconsin at Madison after studying fine art at Cornell University and the Boston Museum School of Fine Art. Grebe’s early work was in conventional cell animation, and later in computer animation and video post production at New York Institute of Technology. He has attended and participated in SIGGRAPH conferences since 1983.
Course Organizer:
- SIGGRAPH 1992, "Interactive Multimedia Authoring and Publishing"
- SIGGRAPH 1992, "Progress Report From the Global Village"
Learning Category: Presentation(s):
- Art Show Artist
- Course Organizer
- Course Presenter
- History Contributor
- Panel Presenter
- Panels Organizing Committee Chair/Co-Chair