Daniela Giorgi

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  • SIGGRAPH 2012

    Daniela Giorgi graduated cum laude in Mathematics at the University of Bologna in 2002, with a thesis on geometric modelling of curves and surfaces; she then got a PhD in Computational Mathematics from the University of Padova in 2006, with a thesis on image and 3D model retrieval. She joined the Centre of Excellence ARCES in Bologna and then moved to Genova, where she joined the Shape Modeling Group at IMATI-CNR as a researcher. Her distinguishing features are strong mathematical expertise (Differential Geometry, Morse theory, Topology) together with in-depth knowledge in ICT and computational fields (Computer Graphics, Image and 3D Processing). Her main research interests concern multimedia analysis, description and retrieval. She has been developing. She is the author of over 30 peer-reviewed international publications in high-level journals, books and conferences, about computational geometry and topology tools for shape analysis, description, and retrieval. She participated in several national and international research projects, and was in charge of the Watertight Models Track (2007) and of the Classification of Watertight Models Track (2008) of the SHREC event (SHape REtrieval Contest). She has been teaching BS (Engineering) and Master (Mathematics and its Applications) courses at University; she has supervised trainees, undergraduates and master students, thus achieving education and knowledge transfer competency. She also was a lecturer at International Schools.  

Learning Category: Presentation(s):


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