Michela Spagnuolo
Most Recent Affiliation(s):
- Institute of Applied Mathematics and Information Technologies (IMATI), Senior Researcher
Michela Spagnuolo got a Laurea Degree cum laude in Applied Mathematics from the University of Genova and a PhD in Computer Science Engineering from the INSA, Lyon. She is currently a Senior Researcher at CNR-IMATI. She authored more than 130 reviewed papers in scientific journals and international conferences, edited a book on 3D shape analysis, and was a guest-editor of several special issues. She is an associate editor of Computers&Graphics, Computer Graphics Forum and The Visual Computer. She is a member of the steering committee of the IEEE Shape Modelling International (SMI), and was the programme chair of the EG and ACM workshops on 3D Object Retrieval (3DOR) and the International Conference on Semantic and Media Technology (SAMT). Her current interests include 3D modelling and visualization, shape analysis techniques, shape similarity and matching, and computational topology. She was responsible for several EC and national projects of CNR-IMATI and is currently responsible for the research unit on Advanced techniques for the analysis and synthesis of multidimensional media and for the research unit on Modeling and analysis techniques, and high performance and grid computing of a CNR Project on Bioinformatics.
Learning Category: Presentation(s):
Type: [Technical Papers]
Geometry and Context for Semantic Correspondences and Functionality Recognition in Man-Made 3D Shapes Presenter(s): [Laga] [Mortara] [Spagnuolo]