2005 Technical Paper: Wang_Interactive Video Cutout

“Out-of-core tensor approximation of multi-dimensional matrices of visual data” by Wang, Wu, Shi, Yu and Ahuja

2005 Technical Paper: Antonio_Motion Magnification

“Motion magnification” by Liu, Torralba, Freeman, Durand and Adelson

2005 Technical Paper: Li_Video Object Cut and Paste

“Video object cut and paste” by Li, Sun and Shum

2005 Technical Paper: Hoiem_Automatic Photo Pop-up

“Automatic photo pop-up” by Hoiem, Efros and Hebert

2005 Technical Paper: Wang_All-Frequency Interactive Relighting of Translucent Objects with Single and Multiple Scattering

“Interactive video cutout”

2005 Technical Paper: McGuire_Defocus Video Matting

“Defocus video matting” by McGuire, Matusik, Pfister, Hughes and Durand

2005 Technical Paper: Ju_Mean Value Coordinates for Closed Triangular Meshes

“Mean value coordinates for closed triangular meshes” by Ju, Schaefer and Warren

2005 Technical Paper: Ledda_Evaluation of Tone Mapping Operators using a High Dynamic Range Display

“Evaluation of tone mapping operators using a High Dynamic Range display” by Ledda, Chalmers, Troscianko and Seetzen

2005 Technical Paper: Gooch_Color2Gray: Salience-Preserving Color Removal

“Color2Gray: salience-preserving color removal” by Gooch, Olsen, Tumblin and Gooch

2005 Technical Paper: Porumbescu_Shell Maps

“Shell maps” by Porumbescu, Budge, Feng and Joy

2005 Technical Paper: Peng_Geometry-guided Progressive Lossless 3D Mesh Coding with Octree (OT) Decomposition

“Geometry-guided progressive lossless 3D mesh coding with octree (OT) decomposition” by Peng and Kuo

2005 Technical Paper: Alliez_Variational Tetrahedral Meshing

“Variational tetrahedral meshing” by Alliez, Cohen-Steiner, Yvinec and Desbrun

2005 Technical Paper: Peyre_Surface Compression with Geometric Bandelets

“Surface compression with geometric bandelets” by Peyré and Mallat

2005 Technical Paper: Assa_Action Synopsis: Pose Selection and Illustration

“Action synopsis: pose selection and illustration” by Assa, Caspi and Cohen-Or

2005 Technical Paper: Muller_Efficient Content-Based Retrieval of Motion Capture Data

“Efficient content-based retrieval of motion capture data” by Müller, Röder and Clausen

2005 Technical Paper: Chai_Performance Animation from Low-dimensional Control Signals

“Performance animation from low-dimensional control signals” by Chai and Hodgins

2005 Technical Paper: Lee_Mesh Saliency

“Mesh saliency” by Lee, Varshney and Jacobs

2005 Technical Paper: Deering_A Photon Accurate Model of the Human Eye

“A photon accurate model of the human eye” by Deering

2005 Technical Paper: Marschner_Measuring and Modeling the Appearance of Finished Wood

“Measuring and modeling the appearance of finished wood” by Marschner, Westin, Arbree and Moon

2005 Technical Paper: Ng_Fourier Slice Photography

“Fourier slice photography” by Ng

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