“Video object cut and paste” by Li, Sun and Shum

  • ©Yin Li, Jian Sun, and Heung-Yeung Shum




    Video object cut and paste



    In this paper, we present a system for cutting a moving object out from a video clip. The cutout object sequence can be pasted onto another video or a background image. To achieve this, we first apply a new 3D graph cut based segmentation approach on the spatial-temporal video volume. Our algorithm partitions watershed presegmentation regions into foreground and background while preserving temporal coherence. Then, the initial segmentation result is refined locally. Given two frames in the video sequence, we specify two respective windows of interest which are then tracked using a bi-directional feature tracking algorithm. For each frame in between these two given frames, the segmentation in each tracked window is refined using a 2D graph cut that utilizes a local color model. Moreover, we provide brush tools for the user to control the object boundary precisely wherever needed. Based on the accurate binary segmentation result, we apply coherent matting to extract the alpha mattes and foreground colors of the object.


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