2016 Image Not Available

“Simit: A Language for Physical Simulation” by Kjolstad, Kamil, Ragan-Kelley, Levin, Sueda, et al. …

2016 Image Not Available

“Parallel Inverse Kinematics for Multithreaded Architectures” by Harish, Mahmudi, Callennec and Boulic

2016 Image Not Available

“Non-Smooth Developable Geometry for Interactively Animating Paper Crumpling” by Schreck, Rohmer, Hahmann, Cani, Jin, et al. …

2005 Technical Paper: Pellacini_Lpics: a Hybrid Hardware-Accelerated Relighting Engine for Computer Cinematography

“Lpics: a hybrid hardware-accelerated relighting engine for computer cinematography” by Pellacini, Vidimče, Lefohn, Mohr, Leone, et al. …

2005 Technical Paper: James_Skinning Mesh Animations

“Skinning mesh animations” by James and Twigg

2005 Technical Paper: Duca_A Relational Debugging Engine for the Graphics Pipeline

“A relational debugging engine for the graphics pipeline” by Duca, Niski, Bilodeau, Bolitho, Chen, et al. …

2005 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“User-configurable automatic shader simplification” by Pellacini

2005 Technical Paper: Vlasic_Face Transfer with Multilinear Models

“Face transfer with multilinear models” by Vlasic, Brand, Pfister and Popović

2005 Technical Paper: Woop_RPU: A Programmable Ray Processing Unit for Realtime Ray Tracing

“RPU: a programmable ray processing unit for realtime ray tracing” by Woop, Schmittler and Slusallek

2005 Technical Paper: Sifakis_Automatic Determination of Facial Muscle Activations from Sparse Motion Capture Marker Data

“Automatic determination of facial muscle activations from sparse motion capture marker data” by Sifakis, Neverov and Fedkiw

2005 Technical Paper: Anguelov_SCAPE: Shape Completion and Animation of People

“SCAPE: shape completion and animation of people” by Anguelov, Srinivasan, Koller, Thrun, Rodgers, et al. …

2005 Technical Paper: Chu_MoXi: Real-Time Ink Dispersion in Absorbent Paper

“MoXi: real-time ink dispersion in absorbent paper” by Chu and Tai

2005 Technical Paper: Burns_Line Drawings from Volume Data

“Line drawings from volume data” by Burns, Klawe, Rusinkiewicz, Finkelstein and DeCarlo

2005 Technical Paper: Zhou_Large Mesh Deformation Using the Volumetric Graph Laplacian

“Large mesh deformation using the volumetric graph Laplacian” by Zhou, Huang, Snyder, Liu, Bao, et al. …

2005 Technical Paper: Sumner_Mesh-Based Inverse Kinematics

“Mesh-based inverse kinematics”

2005 Technical Paper: Muller_Meshless Deformations Based on Shape Matching

“Meshless deformations based on shape matching” by Müller-Fischer, Heidelberger, Teschner and Gross

2005 Technical Paper: Lipman_Linear Rotation-invariant Coordinates for Meshes

“Linear rotation-invariant coordinates for meshes” by Lipman, Sorkine-Hornung, Levin and Cohen-Or

2005 Technical Paper: Surazhsky_Fast Exact and Approximate Geodesics on Meshes

“Fast exact and approximate geodesics on meshes”

2005 Technical Paper: Fleishman_Robust Moving Least squares Fitting with Sharp Features

“Robust moving least-squares fitting with sharp features” by Fleishman, Cohen-Or and Silva

2005 Technical Paper: Nehab_Efficiently Combining Positions and Normals for Precise 3D Geometry

“Efficiently combining positions and normals for precise 3D geometry” by Nehab, Rusinkiewicz, Davis and Ramamoorthi

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