2011 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“A Comprehensive Theory of Volumetric Radiance Estimation Using Photon Points and Beams” by Jarosz, Nowrouzezahrai, Sadeghi and Jensen

2011 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Space-Time Planning With Parameterized Locomotion Controllers” by Levine, Lee, Koltun and Popovic

2011 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Physically Valid Statistical Models for Human Motion Generation” by Wei, Min and Chai

2011 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Antialiasing Recovery” by Yang, Sander, Lawrence and Hoppe

2011 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Interactive Editing of Massive Imagery Made Simple: Turning Atlanta Into Atlantis” by Summa, Scorzelli, Jiang, Bremer and Pascucci

2011 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Contributing Vertices-Based Minkowski Sum of a Nonconvex–Convex Pair of Polyhedra” by Barki, Denis and Dupont

2011 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Image and Video Upscaling From Local Self-Examples” by Feedman and Fattal

2011 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Texture-lobes for tree modelling” by Livny, Pirk, Cheng, Yan, Deussen, et al. …

2011 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Large-scale dynamic simulation of highly constrained strands” by Sueda, Jones, Levin and Pai

2011 Technical Paper: Chadwick_Animating Fire with Sound

“Animating fire with sound” by Chadwick and James

2011 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Discrete element textures”

2011 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“CATRA: interactive measuring and modeling of cataracts” by Pamplona, Passos, Zizka, Oliveira, Lawson, et al. …

2011 Technical Paper: Xu_Video-based Characters – Creating New Human Performances from a Multi-view Video Database

“Video-based characters: creating new human performances from a multi-view video database” by Xu, Liu, Stoll, Tompkin, Bharaj, et al. …

2011 Technical Paper: Sajadi_Switchable Primaries Using Shiftable Layers of Color Filter Arrays

“Switchable primaries using shiftable layers of color filter arrays” by Sajadi, Majumder, Hiwada, Maki and Raskar

2011 Technical Paper: Crane_Spin Transformations of Discrete Surfaces

“Spin transformations of discrete surfaces” by Crane, Pinkall and Schröder

2011 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Coherent noise for non-photorealistic rendering” by Kass and Pesare

2011 Technical Paper: Faure_Sparse Meshless Models of Complex Deformable Solids

“Sparse meshless models of complex deformable solids” by Faure, Gilles, Bousquet and Pai

2011 Technical Paper: Weise_Realtime Performance-Based Facial Animation

“Realtime performance-based facial animation” by Weise, Bouaziz, Li and Pauly

2011 Technical Paper: Kavan_Physics-Inspired Upsampling for Cloth Simulation in Games

“Physics-inspired upsampling for cloth simulation in games” by Kavan, Gerszewski, Bargteil and Sloan

2011 Technical Paper: Nielsen_Guide Shapes for High Resolution Naturalistic Liquid Simulation

“Guide shapes for high resolution naturalistic liquid simulation” by Nielsen and Bridson

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