“Sparse meshless models of complex deformable solids” by Faure, Gilles, Bousquet and Pai

  • ©François Faure, Benjamin Gilles, Michele Bousquet, and Dinesh K. Pai




    Sparse meshless models of complex deformable solids



    A new method to simulate deformable objects with heterogeneous material properties and complex geometries is presented. Given a volumetric map of the material properties and an arbitrary number of control nodes, a distribution of the nodes is computed automatically, as well as the associated shape functions. Reference frames attached to the nodes are used to apply skeleton subspace deformation across the volume of the objects. A continuum mechanics formulation is derived from the displacements and the material properties. We introduce novel material-aware shape functions in place of the traditional radial basis functions used in meshless frameworks. In contrast with previous approaches, these allow coarse deformation functions to efficiently resolve non-uniform stiffnesses. Complex models can thus be simulated at high frame rates using a small number of control nodes.


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