2023 Technical Papers: Tojo_Stealth Shaper: Reflectivity Optimization as Surface Stylization

“Stealth Shaper: Reflectivity Optimization as Surface Stylization” by Tojo, Shamir, Bickel and Umetani

“Towards Attention–Aware Foveated Rendering” by Krajancich, Kellnhofer and Wetzstein

2023 Technical Papers: Zhang_Toward Optimized VR/AR Ergonomics: Modeling and Predicting User Neck Muscle Contraction

“Toward Optimized VR/AR Ergonomics: Modeling and Predicting User Neck Muscle Contraction” by Zhang, Chen and Sun

2023 Technical Papers: Cheng_Topology Driven Approximation to Rational Surface-surface Intersection via Interval Algebraic Topology Analysis

“Topology Driven Approximation to Rational Surface-surface Intersection via Interval Algebraic Topology Analysis” by Cheng, Zhang, Xiao and Li

2023 Technical Papers: Deschaintre_The Visual Language of Fabrics

“The Visual Language of Fabrics” by Deschaintre, Guerrero-Viu, Gutierrez, Boubekeur and Masia

2023 Technical Papers: Aizenman_The Statistics of Eye Movements and Binocular Disparitiesduring VR Gaming: Implications for Headset Design

“The Statistics of Eye Movements and Binocular Disparities in VR Gaming Headsets Should Drive Headset Design” by Aizenman, Koulieris, Gibaldi, Sehgal, Levi, et al. …

2023 Technical Papers: Feng_Winding Numbers on Discrete Surfaces

“Winding Numbers on Discrete Surfaces” by Feng, Gillespie and Crane

2023 Technical Papers: Yu_VideoDoodles: Hand-drawn Animations on Videos With Scene-aware Canvases

“VideoDoodles: Hand-drawn Animations on Videos With Scene-aware Canvases” by Yu, Nguyen, Matzen, Wang, Kazi, et al. …

2023 Technical Papers: Yang_UrbanBIS: A Large-scale Benchmark for Fine-grained Urban Building Instance Segmentation

“UrbanBIS: A Large-scale Benchmark for Fine-grained Urban Building Instance Segmentation” by Yang, Xue, Zhang, Xie, Fu, et al. …

2023 Technical Papers: Voglreiter_Trim Regions for Online Computation of From-Region Potentially Visible Sets

“Trim Regions for Online Computation of From-Region Potentially Visible Sets” by Voglreiter, Kerbl, Weinrauch, Mueller, Neff, et al. …

2023 Technical Papers: Hartwig_An Elastic Basis for Spectral Shape Correspondence

“An Elastic Basis for Spectral Shape Correspondence” by Hartwig, Sassen, Azencot, Rumpf and Ben-Chen

2023 Technical Papers: Capouellez_Algebraic Smooth Occluding Contours

“Algebraic Smooth Occluding Contours” by Capouellez, Dai, Hertzmann and Zorin

2023 Technical Papers: Ying_Adaptive Local Basis Functions for Shape Completion

“Adaptive Local Basis Functions for Shape Completion” by Ying, Shao, Wang, Yang and Zhou

2023 Technical Papers: Mensah_A Hybrid Generator Architecture for Controllable Face Synthesis

“A Hybrid Generator Architecture for Controllable Face Synthesis” by Mensah, Kim, Aittala, Laine and Lehtinen

2023 Technical Papers: Parmar_Zero-shot Image-to-Image Translation

“Zero-shot Image-to-image Translation” by Parmar, Singh, Zhang, Li, Lu, et al. …

2023 Technical Papers: Thies_ClipFace: Text-guided Editing of Textured 3D Morphable Models

“ClipFace: Text-guided Editing of Textured 3D Morphable Models” by Thies, Dai and Niessner

2023 Technical Papers: Zhou_CLIP-PAE: Projection-Augmentation Embedding to Extract Relevant Features for a Disentangled, Interpretable and Controllable Text-Guided Face Manipulation

“CLIP-PAE: Projection-Augmentation Embedding to Extract Relevant Features for a Disentangled, Interpretable and Controllable Text-Guided Face Manipulation” by Zhou, Zhong and Öztireli

2023 Technical Papers: Tessler_CALM: Conditional Adversarial Latent Models for Directable Virtual Characters

“CALM: Conditional Adversarial Latent Models  for Directable Virtual Characters” by Tessler, Guo, Mannor, Chechik and Peng

2023 Technical Papers:

“BakedSDF: Meshing Neural SDFs for Real-Time View Synthesis” by Yariv, Hedman, Reiser, Verbin, Srinivasan, et al. …

2023 Technical Papers: Xu_AvatarMAV: Fast 3D Head Avatar Reconstruction Using Motion-Aware Neural Voxels

“AvatarMAV: Fast 3D Head Avatar Reconstruction Using Motion-Aware Neural Voxels” by Xu, Wang, Zhao, Zhang and Liu

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