2003 Technical Paper: Bolz_Sparse Matrix Solvers on the GPU: Conjugate Gradients and Multigrid

“Sparse matrix solvers on the GPU: conjugate gradients and multigrid” by Bolz, Farmer, Grinspun and Schröder

2003 Technical Paper: Krüger_Linear Algebra Operators for GPU Implementation of Numerical Algorithms

“Linear algebra operators for GPU implementation of numerical algorithms” by Krüger and Westermann

2007 Technical Paper: Fisher_Design of Tangent Vector Fields

“Design of tangent vector fields” by Fisher, Schröder, Desbrun and Hoppe

2007 Technical Paper: Pellacini_AppWand: Editing Measured Materials using Appearance-Driven Optimization

“AppWand: editing measured materials using appearance-driven optimization” by Pellacini and Lawrence

2007 Technical Paper: Peers_Post-production Facial Performance Relighting using Reflectance Transfer

“Post-production facial performance relighting using reflectance transfer” by Peers, Tamura, Matusik and Debevec

2007 Technical Paper: Palacios_Rotational Symmetry Field Design on Surfaces

“Rotational symmetry field design on surfaces” by Palacios and Zhang

2007 Technical Paper: Fattal_Multiscale Shape and Detail Enhancement from Multi-light Image Collections

“Multiscale shape and detail enhancement from multi-light image collections” by Fattal, Agrawala and Rusinkiewicz

2007 Technical Paper: Levin_Image and Depth from a Conventional Camera with a Coded Aperture

“Image and depth from a conventional camera with a coded aperture” by Levin, Fergus, Durand and Freeman

2007 Technical Paper: Bergou_TRACKS: Toward Directable Thin Shells

“TRACKS: toward directable thin shells” by Bergou, Mathur, Wardetzky and Grinspun

2007 Technical Paper: Goldenthal_Efficient Simulation of Inextensible Cloth

“Efficient simulation of inextensible cloth” by Goldenthal, Harmon, Fattal, Bercovier and Grinspun

2007 Technical Paper: Adams_Adaptively Sampled Particle Fluids

“Adaptively sampled particle fluids” by Adams, Pauly, Keiser and Guibas

2007 Technical Paper: Hong_Wrinkled Flames and Cellular Patterns

“Wrinkled flames and cellular patterns” by Hong, Shindar and Fedkiw

2007 Technical Paper: Raskar_Prakash: Lighting Aware Motion Capture using Photosensing Markers and Multiplexed Illuminators

“Prakash: lighting aware motion capture using photosensing markers and multiplexed illuminators” by Raskar, Nii, deDecker, Hashimoto, Summet, et al. …

2007 Technical Paper: Talvala_Veiling Glare in High Dynamic Range Imaging

“Veiling glare in high dynamic range imaging” by Talvala, Adams, Horowitz and Levoy

2007 Technical Paper: Akyuz_Do HDR Displays Support LDR Content? A Psychophysical Evaluation

“Do HDR displays support LDR content?: a psychophysical evaluation” by Akyüz, Fleming, Riecke, Reinhard and Bülthoff

2007 Technical Paper: Rempel_Ldr2Hdr: On-the-fly Reverse Tone Mapping of Legacy Video and Photographs

“Ldr2Hdr: on-the-fly reverse tone mapping of legacy video and photographs” by Rempel, Trentacoste, Seetzen, Young, Heidrich, et al. …

2007 Technical Paper: McDowall_Rendering for an Interactive 360◦ Light Field Display

“Rendering for an interactive 360° light field display” by Jones, Yamada, Bolas, Debevec and McDowall

2007 Technical Paper: Nealen_FiberMesh: Designing Freeform Surfaces with 3D Curves

“FiberMesh: designing freeform surfaces with 3D curves” by Nealen, Igarashi, Sorkine-Hornung and Alexa

2007 Technical Paper: Sharf_Interactive Topology-aware Surface Reconstruction

“Interactive topology-aware surface reconstruction” by Sharf, Lewiner, Shklarski, Toledo and Cohen-Or

2007 Technical Paper: White_Capturing and Animating Occluded Cloth

“Capturing and animating occluded cloth” by White, Crane and Forsyth

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