“Ldr2Hdr: on-the-fly reverse tone mapping of legacy video and photographs” by Rempel, Trentacoste, Seetzen, Young, Heidrich, et al. …

  • ©Allan Rempel, Matthew Trentacoste, Helge Seetzen, H. David Young, Wolfgang Heidrich, and Lorne Whitehead




    Ldr2Hdr: on-the-fly reverse tone mapping of legacy video and photographs



    New generations of display devices promise to provide significantly improved dynamic range over conventional display technology. In the long run, evolving camera technology and file formats will provide high fidelity content for these display devices. In the near term, however, the vast majority of images and video will only be available in low dynamic range formats.In this paper we describe a method for boosting the dynamic range of legacy video and photographs for viewing on high dynamic range displays. Our emphasis is on real-time processing of video streams, such as web streams or the signal from a DVD player. We place particular emphasis on robustness of the method, and its ability to deal with a wide range of content without user adjusted parameters or visible artifacts. The method can be implemented on both graphics hardware and on signal processors that are directly integrated in the HDR displays.


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