2004 Technical Paper: Sharf_Context-based Surface Completion

“Context-based surface completion” by Sharf, Alexa and Cohen-Or

2004 Technical Paper: Agarwala_Interactive Digital Photomontage

“Interactive digital photomontage” by Agarwala, Dontcheva, Agrawala, Drucker, Colburn, et al. …

2004 Technical Paper: Peng_Interactive Modeling of Topologically Complex Geometric Detail

“Interactive modeling of topologically complex geometric detail” by Peng, Kristjansson and Zorin

2004 Technical Paper: Shen_Interpolating and Approximating Implicit Surfaces from Polygon Soup

“Interpolating and approximating implicit surfaces from polygon soup” by Shen, O’Brien and Shewchuk

2004 Technical Paper: Raskar_Non-photorealistic Camera: Depth Edge Detection and Stylized Rendering using Multi-Flash Imaging

“Non-photorealistic camera: depth edge detection and stylized rendering using multi-flash imaging” by Raskar, Tan, Feris, Yu and Turk

2004 Technical Paper: Harrison_Obscuring Length Changes During Animated Motion

“Obscuring length changes during animated motion” by Harrison, Rensink and Panne

2004 Technical Paper: Tsingos_Perceptual Audio Rendering of Complex Virtual Environments

“Perceptual audio rendering of complex virtual environments” by Tsingos, Gallo and Drettakis

2004 Technical Paper: Carr_Painting Detail

“Painting detail” by Carr and Hart

2004 Technical Paper: Mantiuk_Perception-motivated High Dynamic Range Video Encoding

“Perception-motivated high dynamic range video encoding” by Mantiuk, Krawczyk, Myszkowski and Seidel

2004 Technical Paper: Stokes_Perceptual Illumination Components: A New Approach to Efficient, High Quality Global Illumination Rendering

“Perceptual illumination components: a new approach to efficient, high quality global illumination rendering” by Stokes, Ferwerda, Walter and Greenberg

2004 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Perceptually-supported image editing of text and graphics” by Saund, Fleet, Larner and Mahoney

2004 Technical Paper: Theobalt_Pitching a Baseball —Tracking High-Speed Motion with Multi-Exposure Images

“Pitching a baseball: tracking high-speed motion with multi-exposure images” by Theobalt, Albrecht, Haber, Magnor and Seidel

2004 Technical Paper: Sun_Poisson Matting

“Poisson matting” by Sun, Jia, Tang and Shum

2004 Technical Paper: Koller_Protected Interactive 3D Graphics Via Remote Rendering

“Protected interactive 3D graphics via remote rendering” by Koller, Turitzin, Levoy, Tarini, Croccia, et al. …

2004 Technical Paper: McNamara_Fluid Control Using the Adjoint Method

“Fluid control using the adjoint method” by McNamara, Treuille, Popovic and Stam

2004 Technical Paper: Bhat_Flow-based Video Synthesis and Editing

“Flow-based video synthesis and editing” by Bhat, Hodgins, Khosla and Seitz

2004 Technical Paper: Kraevoy_Cross-Parameterization and Compatible Remeshing of 3D Models

“Cross-parameterization and compatible remeshing of 3D models” by Kraevoy and Sheffer

2004 Technical Paper: Amenta_Defining Point-Set Surfaces

“Defining point-set surfaces” by Amenta and Kil

2004 Technical Paper: Sumner_Deformation Transfer for Triangle Meshes

“Deformation transfer for triangle meshes” by Sumner and Popović

2004 Technical Paper: Levin_Colorization using Optimization

“Colorization using optimization” by Levin, Lischinski and Weiss

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