“Non-photorealistic camera: depth edge detection and stylized rendering using multi-flash imaging” by Raskar, Tan, Feris, Yu and Turk

  • ©Ramesh Raskar, Kar-Han Tan, Rogerio Schmidt Feris, Jingyi Yu, and Matthew Turk




    Non-photorealistic camera: depth edge detection and stylized rendering using multi-flash imaging



    We present a non-photorealistic rendering approach to capture and convey shape features of real-world scenes. We use a camera with multiple flashes that are strategically positioned to cast shadows along depth discontinuities in the scene. The projective-geometric relationship of the camera-flash setup is then exploited to detect depth discontinuities and distinguish them from intensity edges due to material discontinuities.We introduce depiction methods that utilize the detected edge features to generate stylized static and animated images. We can highlight the detected features, suppress unnecessary details or combine features from multiple images. The resulting images more clearly convey the 3D structure of the imaged scenes.We take a very different approach to capturing geometric features of a scene than traditional approaches that require reconstructing a 3D model. This results in a method that is both surprisingly simple and computationally efficient. The entire hardware/software setup can conceivably be packaged into a self-contained device no larger than existing digital cameras.


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