2017 Technical Paper: BIRKLBAUER_Nonuniform Spatial Deformation of Light Fields by Locally Linear Transformations

“Nonuniform Spatial Deformation of Light Fields by Locally Linear Transformations” by Birklbauer, Schedl and Bimber

2017 Technical Paper: WU_Interactive Relighting in Single Low-Dynamic Range Images

“Interactive Relighting in Single Low-Dynamic Range Images” by Wu and Saito

2017 Technical Paper: CHERN_Inside Fluids: Clebsch Maps for Visualization and Processing

“Inside fluids: clebsch maps for visualization and processing”

2017 Technical Paper: DUPUY_A Spherical Cap Preserving Parameterization for Spherical Distributions

“A spherical cap preserving parameterization for spherical distributions” by Dupuy, Heitz and Belcour

2017 Technical Paper: CHU_A Schur Complement Preconditioner for Scalable Parallel Fluid Simulation

“A Schur Complement Preconditioner for Scalable Parallel Fluid Simulation” by Chu, Zafar and Yang

2017 Technical Paper: AHMED_An Adaptive Point Sampler on a Regular Lattice

“An adaptive point sampler on a regular lattice” by Ahmed, Niese, Huang and Deussen

2017 Technical Paper: AANJANEYA_Power Diagrams and Sparse Paged Grids for High Resolution Adaptive Liquids

“Power diagrams and sparse paged grids for high resolution adaptive liquids” by Aanjaneya, Gao, Liu, Batty, , et al. …

2017 Technical Paper: GÜNTHER_Generic Objective Vortices for Flow Visualization

“Generic objective vortices for flow visualization” by Günther, Gross and Theisel

2017 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Wasserstein Blue Noise Sampling” by Qin, Chen, He and Chen

2017 Technical Paper: SINGH_Convergence Analysis for Anisotropic Monte Carlo Sampling Spectra

“Convergence analysis for anisotropic monte carlo sampling spectra” by Singh and Jarosz

2017 Technical Paper: KARAMOUZAS_Implicit Crowds: Optimization Integrator for Robust Crowd Simulation

“Implicit crowds: optimization integrator for robust crowd simulation”

2017 Technical Paper: WANG_Botanical Materials Based on Biomechanics

“Botanical materials based on biomechanics”

2017 Technical Paper: CUI_Time Slice Video Synthesis by Robust Video Alignment

“Time slice video synthesis by robust video alignment” by Cui, Wang, Tan and Wang

2017 Technical Paper: CORDONNIER_Authoring Landscapes by Combining Ecosystem and Terrain Erosion Simulation

“Authoring landscapes by combining ecosystem and terrain erosion simulation”

2017 Technical Paper: GARCIA-DORADO_Fast Weather Simulation for Inverse Procedural Design of 3D Urban Models

“Fast Weather Simulation for Inverse Procedural Design of 3D Urban Models”

2017 Technical Paper: NAGELI_Real-time Planning for Automated Multi-View Drone Cinematography

“Real-time planning for automated multi-view drone cinematography” by Naegeli, Meier, Domahidi, Mora and Hilliges

2017 Technical Paper: WANG_Light Field Video Capture Using a Learning-Based Hybrid Imaging System

“Light field video capture using a learning-based hybrid imaging system”

1976 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Automatic drafting systems: an effective person-machine interface” by Machover

2017 Technical Paper:KRS_Skippy: Single View 3D Curve Interactive Modeling

“Skippy: single view 3D curve interactive modeling” by Krs, Yumer, Carr, Benes and Mech

2017 Technical Paper: HAN_DeepSketch2Face: A Deep Learning Based Sketching System for 3D Face and Caricature Modeling

“DeepSketch2Face: a deep learning based sketching system for 3D face and caricature modeling”

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