“Inside fluids: clebsch maps for visualization and processing”

  • ©Albert Chern, Felix Knöppel, Ulrich Pinkall, and Peter Schröder




    Inside fluids: clebsch maps for visualization and processing

Session/Category Title:   Fluids III




    Clebsch maps encode velocity fields through functions. These functions contain valuable information about the velocity field. For example, closed integral curves of the associated vorticity field are level lines of the vorticity Clebsch map. This makes Clebsch maps useful for visualization and fluid dynamics analysis. Additionally they can be used in the context of simulations to enhance flows through the introduction of subgrid vorticity. In this paper we study spherical Clebsch maps, which are particularly attractive. Elucidating their geometric structure, we show that such maps can be found as minimizers of a non-linear Dirichlet energy. To illustrate our approach we use a number of benchmark problems and apply it to numerically given flow fields. Code and a video can be found in the ACM Digital Library.


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