“Botanical materials based on biomechanics”

  • ©Bohan Wang, Yili Zhao, and Jernej Barbic




    Botanical materials based on biomechanics

Session/Category Title:   Simulation for Virtual Worlds




    Botanical simulation plays an important role in many fields including visual effects, games and virtual reality. Previous plant simulation research has focused on computing physically based motion, under the assumption that the material properties are known. It is too tedious and impractical to manually set the spatially-varying material properties of complex trees. In this paper, we give a method to set the mass density, stiffness and damping properties of individual tree components (branches and leaves) using a small number of intuitive parameters. Our method is rooted in plant biomechanics literature and builds upon power laws observed in real botanical systems. We demonstrate our materials by simulating them using offline and model-reduced FEM simulators. Our parameters can be tuned directly by artists; but we also give a technique to infer the parameters from ground truth videos of real trees. Our materials produce tree animations that look much more similar to real trees than previous methods, as evidenced by our user study and experiments.


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