2010 Technical Paper: Ho_Spatial Relationship Preserving Character Motion Adaptation

“Spatial relationship preserving character motion adaptation” by Ho, Komura and Tai

2010 Technical Paper: Cheng_RepFinder: Finding Approximately Repeated Scene Elements for Image Editing

“RepFinder: finding approximately repeated scene elements for image editing” by Cheng, Zhang, Mitra, Huang and Hu

2010 Technical Paper: Wojtan_Physics-Inspired Topology Changes for Thin Fluid Features

“Physics-inspired topology changes for thin fluid features” by Wojtan, Thürey, Gross and Turk

2010 Technical Paper: Pantaleoni_PantaRay: Fast Ray traced Occlusion Caching of Massive Scenes

“PantaRay: fast ray-traced occlusion caching of massive scenes” by Pantaleoni, Fascione, Hill and Aila

2010 Technical Paper: Eigensatz_Paneling Architectural Freeform Surfaces

“Paneling architectural freeform surfaces” by Eigensatz, Kilian, Schiftner, Mitra, Pottmann, et al. …

2010 Technical Paper: Wang_Optimizing Walking Controllers for Uncertain Inputs and Environments

“Optimizing walking controllers for uncertain inputs and environments” by Wang, Fleet and Hertzmann

2010 Technical Paper: Ye_Optimal Feedback Control for Character Animation Using an Abstract Model

“Optimal feedback control for character animation using an abstract model” by Ye and Liu

2010 Technical Paper: Lang_Nonlinear Disparity Mapping for Stereoscopic 3D

“Nonlinear disparity mapping for stereoscopic 3D” by Lang, Sorkine-Hornung, Wang, Poulakos, Smolic, et al. …

2010 Technical Paper: Pamplona_NETRA: Interactive Display for Estimating Refractive Errors and Focal Range

“NETRA: interactive display for estimating refractive errors and focal range” by Pamplona, Mohan, Oliveira and Raskar

2010 Technical Paper: Wei_Multi-Class Blue Noise Sampling

“Multi-class blue noise sampling” by Wei

2010 Technical Paper: Brochu_Matching Fluid Simulation Elements to Surface Geometry and Topology

“Matching fluid simulation elements to surface geometry and topology” by Brochu, Batty and Bridson

2010 Technical Paper: Bradley_High Resolution Passive Facial Performance Capture

“High resolution passive facial performance capture” by Bradley, Heidrich, Popa and Sheffer

2010 Technical Paper: Pottmann_Geodesic Patterns

“Geodesic patterns” by Pottmann, Huang, Deng, Schiftner, Kilian, et al. …

2010 Technical Paper: Li_Example-Based Facial Rigging

“Example-based facial rigging” by Li, Weise and Pauly

2010 Technical Paper: Pellacini_envyLight: An Interface for Editing Natural Illumination

“envyLight: an interface for editing natural illumination” by Pellacini

2010 Technical Paper: Beeler_High-Quality Single-Shot Capture of Facial Geometry

“High-quality single-shot capture of facial geometry” by Beeler, Bickel, Beardsley, Sumner and Gross

2010 Technical Paper: Josh_Image Deblurring using Inertial Measurement Sensors

“Image deblurring using inertial measurement sensors” by Joshi, Kang, Zitnick and Szeliski

2010 Technical Paper: Ritschel_Interactive On-Surface Signal Deformation

“Interactive on-surface signal deformation” by Ritschel, Thormählen, Dachsbacher, Kautz and Seidel

2010 Technical Paper: Fu_K-set Tilable Surfaces

“K-set tilable surfaces” by Fu, Lai, Cohen-Or and Ying

2010 Technical Paper: Wicke_Dynamic Local Remeshing for Elastoplastic Simulation

“Dynamic local remeshing for elastoplastic simulation” by Wicke, Ritchie, Klingner, Burke, Shewchuk, et al. …

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