“Matching fluid simulation elements to surface geometry and topology” by Brochu, Batty and Bridson

  • ©Tyson Brochu, Christopher Batty, and Robert Bridson




    Matching fluid simulation elements to surface geometry and topology



    We introduce an Eulerian liquid simulation framework based on the Voronoi diagram of a potentially unorganized collection of pressure samples. Constructing the simulation mesh in this way allows us to place samples anywhere in the computational domain; we exploit this by choosing samples that accurately capture the geometry and topology of the liquid surface. When combined with high-resolution explicit surface tracking this allows us to simulate nearly arbitrarily thin features, while eliminating noise and other artifacts that arise when there is a resolution mismatch between the simulation and the surface—and allowing a precise inclusion of surface tension based directly on and at the same resolution as the surface mesh. In addition, we present a simplified Voronoi/Delaunay mesh velocity interpolation scheme, and a direct extension of embedded free surfaces and solid boundaries to Voronoi meshes.


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