2014 Technical Paper: Cho_Bilateral Texture Filtering

“Bilateral texture filtering” by Cho, Lee, Kang and Lee

2014 Technical Paper: Kholgade_3D Object Manipulation in a Single Photograph using Stock 3D Models

“3D object manipulation in a single photograph using stock 3D models” by Kholgade, Simon, Efros and Sheikh

2014 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Automating Image Morphing Using Structural Similarity on a Halfway Domain” by Liao, Lima, Nehab, Hoppe, Sander, et al. …

2014 Technical Paper: Li_Robust Hair Capture Using Simulated Examples

“Robust hair capture using simulated examples” by Hu, Ma, Luo and Li

2014 Technical Paper: Echevarria_Capturing and Stylizing Hair for 3D Fabrication

“Capturing and stylizing hair for 3D fabrication” by Echevarria, Bradley, Gutierrez and Beeler

2014 Technical Paper: Chai_A Reduced Model for Interactive Hairs

“A reduced model for interactive hairs” by Chai, Zheng and Zhou

2017 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Interpolations of Smoke and Liquid Simulations” by Thuerey

2014 Technical Paper: Kaufman_Adaptive Nonlinearity for Collisions in Complex Rod Assemblies

“Adaptive nonlinearity for collisions in complex rod assemblies” by Smith, Kaufman, Tamstorf, Grinspun and Aubry

2014 Technical Paper: Wang_Defending Continuous Collision Detection against Errors

“Defending continuous collision detection against errors” by Wang

2014 Technical Paper: Wu_Inverse Procedural Modeling of Facade Layouts

“Inverse procedural modeling of facade layouts” by Wonka, Wu, Yan, Dong and Zhang

2014 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Mesh Saliency Via Spectral Processing” by Song, Liu, Martin and Rosin

2014 Technical Paper: Kim_Shape2Pose: Human-Centric Shape Analysis

“Shape2Pose: human-centric shape analysis” by Kim, Chaudhuri, Guibas and Funkhouser

2014 Technical Paper: Tevs_Relating Shapes via Geometric Symmetries and Regularities

“Relating shapes via geometric symmetries and regularities” by Tevs, Huang, Wand, Seidel and Guibas

2014 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Near-Regular Structure Discovery Using Linear Programming” by Huang, Guibas and Mitra

2014 Technical Paper: Jakob_A Comprehensive Framework for Rendering Layered Materials

“A comprehensive framework for rendering layered materials” by Jakob, d’Eon, Jakob and Marschner

2014 Technical Paper: Chen_Reflectance Scanning: Estimating Shading Frame and BRDF with Generalized Linear Light Sources

“Reflectance scanning: estimating shading frame and BRDF with generalized linear light sources” by Chen, Dong, Peers, Zhang and Tong

2014 Technical Paper: Yan_Rendering Glints on High Resolution Normal-Mapped Specular Surfaces

“Rendering glints on high-resolution normal-mapped specular surfaces” by Yan, Hasan, Jakob, Lawrence, Marschner, et al. …

2014 Technical Paper: Jakob_Discrete Stochastic Microfacet Models

“Discrete stochastic microfacet models” by Jakob, Marschner, Yan, Hasan, Ramamoorthi, et al. …

2014 Technical Paper: Brady_genBRDF: Discovering New Analytic BRDFs with Genetic Programming

“genBRDF: discovering new analytic BRDFs with genetic programming” by Lawrence, Peers, Brady and Weimer

2014 Technical Paper: Chen_Physics-Inspired Adaptive Fracture Refinement

“Physics-inspired adaptive fracture refinement” by Chen, Yao, Feng and Wang

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