2001 Talks: Jungclaus_ALVIN on the Web: Distributive Mission Rehearsal for a Deep Submersible Vehicle

“ALVIN on the Web: Distributive Mission Rehearsal for a Deep Submersible Vehicle” by Jungclaus, Encarnação, Barton, Horvatic and Foster

2001 Talks: Lamb_An Integrated Solution to Camera Animation for Stage

“An Integrated Solution to Camera Animation for Stage” by Lamb

2001 Talks: Akleman_An Interactive System for Robust Topological Modeling of Meshes

“An Interactive System for Robust Topological Modeling of Meshes” by Akleman, Chen and Srinivasan

2001 Talks: Yotsukura_Analysis and Simulation of Facial Movements in Elicited and Posed Expressions Using A High-Speed Camera

“Analysis and Simulation of Facial Movements in Elicited and Posed Expressions Using A High-Speed Camera” by Yotsukura, Uchida, Yamada, Tetsutani, Akamatsu, et al. …

2001 Talks: Stephenson_AntiAliasing Perlin Noise

“Anti-Aliasing Perlin Noise” by Stephenson

2001 Talks: Seo_Colored-Paper Mosaic Rendering

“Colored-Paper Mosaic Rendering” by Seo, Park, Yoon and Kim

2001 Talks: Mazalek_genieBottles: An Interactive Narrative in Bottles

“genieBottles: An Interactive Narrative in Bottles” by Mazalek, Wood and Ishii

2001 Talks: Gorla_Growing Fitted Textures

“Growing Fitted Textures” by Gorla, Interrante and Sapiro

2001 Talks: Haddon_Implementing Vector-Based Texturing In RenderMan

“Implementing Vector-Based Texturing In RenderMan” by Haddon and Stephenson

2001 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

““Budweiser Alien” Commercial” by Estebecorena and Lyons

2001 Talks: Hendler_“How the Grinch Stole Christmas:” The Who Construction Kit

““How the Grinch Stole Christmas:” The Who Construction Kit” by Hendler and Lemmon

2001 Talks: Canetti_“Summer Breeze:” Creating a High-End 3D Movie Using Limited Resources

““Summer Breeze:” Creating a High-End 3D Movie Using Limited Resources” by Canetti, Chen, Chim, Patti, Zori, et al. …

2001 Talks: Ohshima_“2001: An MR-Space Odyssey:” Applying MixedReality Technology to VFX in Filmmaking

“2D Shape Interpolation Using a Hierarchical Approach” by Ohshima, Kuroki, Kobayashi, Yamamoto and Tamura

2001 Talks: Ohshima_“2001: An MR-Space Odyssey:” Applying MixedReality Technology to VFX in Filmmaking

““2001: An MR-Space Odyssey:” Applying Mixed-Reality Technology to VFX in Filmmaking” by Ohshima, Kuroki, Kobayashi, Yamamoto and Tamura

2001 Talks: El-Hakim_A Flexible Approach To 3D Reconstruction From Single Images

“A Flexible Approach To 3D Reconstruction From Single Images” by El-Hakim

2001 Talks: Dingliana_Collisions and Adaptive Levels of Detail

“Collisions and Adaptive Levels of Detail” by Dingliana, O’Sullivan and Bradshaw

2001 Talks: Comet_Character Setup and Animation for “3-2-1 Penguins!”

“Character Setup and Animation for “3-2-1 Penguins!”” by Comet

2001 Talks: Cater_Change Blindness with Varying Rendering Fidelity: Looking but Not Seeing

“Change Blindness with Varying Rendering Fidelity: Looking but Not Seeing” by Cater, Chalmers and Dalton

2001 Talks: Gupta_Calibration-Free, Easy 3D Modeling from Turntable Image Sequences

“Calibration-Free, Easy 3D Modeling from Turntable Image Sequences” by Gupta and Sengupta

2001 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Bringing PhotoRealism to Fantasy: The Hybrid Approach of a Digital Matte Artist” by Huston

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