2019 Talks: Kelkar_Building Modern VFX Infrastructure

“Building Modern VFX Infrastructure”

2019 Talks: Gu_Sliding the Pieces into Place: Rigging the Pigeons of Spies in Disguise

“Sliding the Pieces into Place: Rigging the Pigeons of Spies in Disguise” by Gu, Aydogdu and Song

2019 Talks: Kao_Flap Flap Away - Animation Cycle Multiplexing

“Flap Flap Away – Animation Cycle Multiplexing” by Kao and Otto

2019 Talks: Hutchinson_Hierarchy Models: Building Blocks for Procedural Rigging

“Hierarchy Models: Building Blocks for Procedural Rigging”

2019 Talks: Cieri_Streamlining IBL workflows with computer vision and USD

“Streamlining IBL workflows with computer vision and USD” by Cieri and Schwank

2019 Talks: LeGendre_DeepLight: Learning Illumination for Unconstrained Mobile Mixed Reality

“DeepLight: Learning Illumination for Unconstrained Mobile Mixed Reality” by LeGendre, Ma, Fyffe, Flynn, Charbonnel, et al. …

2019 Talks: Rerucha_A Portal for Managing Reviews and Beyond

“A Portal for Managing Reviews and Beyond”

2019 Talks: Staeubli_Conduit : A Modern Pipeline for the Open Source World

“Conduit : A Modern Pipeline for the Open Source World”

2019 Talks: Kaplanyan_DeepFovea: Neural Reconstruction for Foveated Rendering and Video Compression using Learned Natural Video Statistics

“DeepFovea: Neural Reconstruction for Foveated Rendering and Video Compression using Learned Natural Video Statistics”

2019 Talks: Haapaoja_Mesh-Driven Generation and Animation of Groomed Feathers

“Mesh-Driven Generation and Animation of Groomed Feathers”

2019 Talks: Iben_Holding the Shape in Hair Simulation

“Holding the Shape in Hair Simulation”

2019 Talks: Augello_Hummingbird: DreamWorks Feather System

“Hummingbird: DreamWorks Feather System”

2019 Talks: Spjut_Foveated Displays: Toward Classification of the Emerging Field

“Foveated Displays: Toward Classification of the Emerging Field” by Spjut and Boudaoud

2019 Talks: Konrad_Gaze-Contingent Ocular Parallax Rendering for Virtual Reality

“Gaze-Contingent Ocular Parallax Rendering for Virtual Reality”

2019 Talks: Padmanaban_Autofocals: Evaluating Gaze-Contingent Eyeglasses for Presbyopes

“Autofocals: evaluating gaze-contingent eyeglasses for presbyopes”

2019 Talks:Anzovin_Fast, Interpolationless Character Animation Through "Ephemeral" Rigging

“Fast, Interpolationless Character Animation Through “Ephemeral” Rigging”

2019 Talks: Shin_A Ragdoll-less Approach to Physical Animations of Characters in Vehicles

“A Ragdoll-less Approach to Physical Animations of Characters in Vehicles”

2019 Talks: Heitz_A Low-Discrepancy Sampler that Distributes Monte Carlo Errors as a Blue Noise in Screen Space

“A Low-Discrepancy Sampler that Distributes Monte Carlo Errors as a Blue Noise in Screen Space” by Heitz, Belcour, Ostromoukhov, Coeurjolly and Iehl

2019 Talks: Jeffery_Global Adaptive Sampling Hierarchies in Production Ray Tracing

“Global Adaptive Sampling Hierarchies in Production Ray Tracing”

2019 Talks: Byun_Creating Ralphzilla

“Creating Ralphzilla Moshpit, Skeleton Library and Automation Framework”

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