2004 Talks: Stinson_Bulging Muscles and Sliding Skin: Deformation Systems for Hellboy

“Bulging Muscles and Sliding Skin: Deformation Systems for Hellboy” by Stinson and Thuriot

2004 Talks: Strom_PACKMAN: Texture Compression for Mobile Phones

“PACKMAN: Texture Compression for Mobile Phones” by Strom and Akenine-Moller

2004 Talks: Sumner_There’s More Than One Way to Skin a Wolf: Wolf Transformations in “Van Helsing”

“There’s more than one way to skin a wolf: wolf transformations in “Van Helsing”” by Sumner, Blenkhorn, Aplin, Cawrse, Fulton, et al. …

production pipeline used to create 52 full 3DCGI anime episodes

“An efficient production pipeline used to create 52 full 3DCGI anime episodes” by Suzuki, Matsuno, Horiguchi and Arima

2004 Talks: Tatarchuk_RenderMonkey: An Effective Environment for Shader Prototyping and Development

“RenderMonkey: an effective environment for shader prototyping and development” by Tatarchuk

2004 Talks: Sheffer_Shape Preserving Mesh Deformation

“Shape preserving mesh deformation” by Sheffer and Krayevoy

2004 Talks: Shapiro_Interactive Motion Decomposition

“Interactive Motion Decomposition” by Shapiro, Cao and Faloutsos

2004 Talks: Pighin_Galilean Invariance for Fluid Simulation

“Galilean Invariance for Fluid Simulation” by Shah, Pighin, Cohen and Lee

2004 Talks: Rose_From the Ground Up: Building a Machine City for Matrix: Revolutions

“From the ground up: building a machine city for Matrix: Revolutions” by Rose

2004 Talks: Sagar_Reflectance Field Rendering of Human Faces for “Spider-Man 2”

“Reflectance Field Rendering of Human Faces for “Spider-Man 2”” by Sagar, Monos, Schmidt, Ziegler, Foo, et al. …

2004 Talks: Sander_Real-Time Skin Rendering on Graphics Hardware

“Real-time skin rendering on graphics hardware” by Sander, Gosselin and Mitchell

2004 Talks: Santoro_All This Useless Beauty - A 200 Megapixel Panorama

“All This Useless Beauty – A 200 Megapixel Panorama” by Santoro and Kry

2004 Talks: Séquin_Fair LVC–Curves on Subdivision Surfaces

“Fair LVC–Curves on Subdivision Surfaces” by Séquin and Xiao

2004 Talks: Setlur_Automatic Image Retargeting

“Automatic Image Retargeting” by Setlur, Takagi, Raskar, Gleicher and Gooch

2004 Talks: Scheuermann_Practical Real-Time Hair Rendering and Shading

“Practical Real-Time Hair Rendering and Shading” by Scheuermann

2004 Talks: Ren_Learning Silhouette Features for Control of Human Motion

“Learning Silhouette Features for Control of Human Motion” by Ren, Shakhnarovich, Hodgins, Pfister and Viola

2004 Talks: Prescott_Building Crowds Of Unique Characters

“Tile-based kolam patterns” by Raghavachary

2004 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Building Crowds Of Unique Characters” by Miller, Prescott, Alexander, Hendler, Hodgins, et al. …

2004 Talks: Pouderoux_A Software for Reconstructing 3D-Terrains from Scanned Maps

“A software for reconstructing 3D-terrains from scanned maps” by Pouderoux, Gonzato, Guitton and Granier

2004 Talks: Popescu_Interactive Scene Modeling from Dense Color and Sparse Depth

“Interactive Scene Modeling from Dense Color and Sparse Depth” by Popescu, Sacks and Bahmutov

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