“Automatic Image Retargeting” by Setlur, Takagi, Raskar, Gleicher and Gooch

  • ©Vidya Setlur, Saeko Takagi, Ramesh Raskar, Michael Gleicher, and Bruce Gooch

  • ©Vidya Setlur, Saeko Takagi, Ramesh Raskar, Michael Gleicher, and Bruce Gooch

  • ©Vidya Setlur, Saeko Takagi, Ramesh Raskar, Michael Gleicher, and Bruce Gooch




    Automatic Image Retargeting

Session/Category Title:   Artistic Depiction



    We introduce a non-photorealistic algorithm for automatically retargeting images, that is, adapting them for display at different sizes and/or aspect ratios, while preserving the images’ important features and qualities. Our method accommodates images with multiple important regions by minimizing the unimportant space be- tween regions. The motivation for this work is the need for tools that allow us to author imagery once, and then automatically retarget that imagery for a variety of different display devices.


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