“Real-time skin rendering on graphics hardware” by Sander, Gosselin and Mitchell
- Real-time skin rendering on graphics hardware
Session/Category Title: GPU2
We present a real-time algorithm for skin rendering which was used in the real-time animation Ruby: The DoubleCross, appearing in this year’s SIGGRAPH animation festival. Our approach approximates the appearance of subsurface scattering by blur- ring the diffuse illumination in texture space using graphics hardware. This approach, based on the offline skin rendering technique proposed by Borshukov and Lewis, gives a realistic look and is both efficient and easy to implement. We describe algorithms to efficiently implement this technique in real-time using graphics hardware, as well as several enhancements to improve quality.
Borshukov G. and Lewis, J. P. 2003. Realistic Human Face Rendering for “The Matrix Reloaded”. Sketches, SIGGRAPH 2003.