“Reflectance Field Rendering of Human Faces for “Spider-Man 2”” by Sagar, Monos, Schmidt, Ziegler, Foo, et al. …

  • ©Mark A. Sagar, John Monos, John Schmidt, Dan Ziegler, Sing-Choong Foo, Remington Scott, Jeff Stern, Chris Waegner, Peter Nofz, Tim Hawkins, and Paul E. Debevec




    Reflectance Field Rendering of Human Faces for “Spider-Man 2”

Session/Category Title:   Production Rendering



    The creation of convincing computer generated human faces which can withstand close-up scrutiny under arbitrary lighting has been notoriously difficult to achieve, especially for well known actors. For the film “Spider-Man 2” it was decided to try recent experimental computer graphics research that looked promising but that had never been production tested.


    Debevec, P., Hawkins, T., Tchou, C., Duiker, H. P., Sarokin, W. and Sagar, M. 2000. Acquiring the reflectance field of a human face. In SIGGRAPH 2000, Computer Graphics Proceedings, 145–156, ACM SIGGRAPH


    : (Sony Pictures Imageworks) John Monos, John Schmidt, Dan Ziegler, Sing-choong Foo, Remington Scott, Jeff Stern, Chris Waegner, Peter Nofz, ( ICT) Tim Hawkins, Paul Debevec


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