2012 Posters: Lee_SGRT: A Scalable Mobile GPU Architecture based on Ray Tracing

“SGRT: a scalable mobile GPU architecture based on ray tracing” by Lee, Lee, Nah, Kim, Shin, et al. …

2012 Posters: Koppelhuber_Towards A Transparent, Flexible, Scalable, and Disposable Image Sensor

“Towards a transparent, flexible, scalable, and disposable image sensor” by Koppelhuber, Lukic and Bimber

2012 Posters Ohya Automatic Music Video Generating System by Remixing Existing Contents in Video Hosting Service Based on Hidden Markov Model 01

“Automatic music video generating system by remixing existing contents in video hosting service based on hidden Markov model” by Ohya and Morishima

2012 Posters: Hara_Development of a Portable Anisotropic Reflectance Measurement System for Modeling and Rendering of Bidirectional Texture Functions

“Development of a portable anisotropic reflectance measurement system for modeling and rendering of bidirectional texture functions” by Takeda, Hara, Wakita, Sakaguchi and Tanaka

2012 Posters: Fernando_Ikimo: Open Entry-level Robotics Platform

“Ikimo: open entry-level robotics platform” by Fernando, Rod, Cordero and Eisner

2012 Posters: Colaco_CoDAC: Compressive Depth Acquisition using a Single Time-resolved Sensor

“CoDAC: compressive depth acquisition using a single time-resolved sensor” by Colaco, Kirmani, Wong and Goyal

2012 Posters Auzinger GeigerCam - Measuring Radioactivity with Webcams 01

“GeigerCam: measuring radioactivity with webcams” by Auzinger, Habel, Musilek, Hainz and Wimmer

2012 Posters Liang GaussSketch Add On Magnetic Sensing for Natural Sketching on Smartphones 01

“GaussSketch: add-on magnetic sensing for natural sketching on smartphones” by Liang, Cheng, Chen and Yang

2012 Posters: Akim_A Cell Phone Based Platform for Facial Performance Capture

“A cell phone based platform for facial performance capture” by Akim, Jones, Yu, Busch, Fyffe, et al. …

2012 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“When cheesecake craving unplugs the pleasure button: understanding aesthetics and quality of experience in a computer generated graphics” by Mansilla, Puig, Perkis and Ebrahimi

2012 Posters Hirsch 8D Display A Relightable Glasses Free 3D Display 01

“8D display: a relightable glasses-free 3D display” by Hirsch, Izadi, Holtzman and Raskar

2012 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Texture-size-independent address translation for virtual texturing” by Hollemeersch, Pieters, Demeulemeester, Lambert and Van de Walle

2012 Posters Pedica Lifelike Interactive Characters with Behavior Trees for Social Territorial 01

“Lifelike interactive characters with behavior trees for social territorial intelligence” by Pedica and Vilhjálmsson

2012 Posters: Hanly_A Simulation Game for Line Memorization

“A simulation game for line memorization” by Hanly and Swidersky

2012 Posters: Ochiai_Stop-motion cameras in the network: connected multi-cameras for the collaboration work in stop-motion

“Stop-motion cameras in the network: connected multi-cameras for the collaboration work in stop-motion” by Ochiai and Toyoshima

2012 Posters Amemiya Active Touch Sensing of Being-Pulled Illusion for Pedestrian Route Navigation 01

“Active touch sensing of being-pulled illusion for pedestrian route navigation” by Amemiya and Gomi

2012 Posters Shehaly Use of CUDA Streams for Block Based MPEG Motion Estimation on the GPU 01

“Use of CUDA streams for block-based MPEG motion estimation on the GPU” by El-Shehaly, Gracanin and Elmongui

2012 Posters Gallea Physical simulation for real time image video retargeting 01

“Physical simulation for real-time image/video retargeting” by Gallea, Ardizzone and Pirrone

2012 Posters Lee Direct, Spatial, and Dexterous Interaction with See through 3D Desktop 01

“Direct, spatial, and dexterous interaction with see-through 3D desktop” by Lee and Boulanger

2012 Posters Kronander Real time HDR video reconstruction for multi sensor systems 0

“Real-time HDR video reconstruction for multi-sensor systems” by Kronander, Gustavson and Unger

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